being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. – Philippians 1:6 (NIV)
God has a good work for your life. His purpose for your life is good. But it’s easy to let yourself become discouraged when you don’t see it all coming to pass.
There’s power in learning to be patient in the process. God always comes through. The dreams and things you’ve seen in your heart will come to pass. God hasn’t forgotten about you, and He hasn’t given up on you. However, sometimes the dreams in our hearts take longer than we’d like to come to pass.
Today’s Truth: Don’t Give Up, Your Dreams Will Come to Pass.
Part of trusting God is believing that no matter what you see, that God is faithful. He will come through for you. He will bring those dreams to pass. So no matter what you see, no matter how long it takes, determine to trust God. His plans for you are good, and they will come to pass. Don’t get discouraged or give up on them. They will happen!