Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Hebrews 4:16

So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. – Hebrews 4:16

Have you ever been in a situation when you didn’t know the answer to something? If you’re like most people, you probably reached out, grabbed your phone and starting searching Google for the answer. It’s so nice to have the answers you need to a lot of questions right there at your fingertips.

Did you know that as easy as it is to get help from Google, that it’s just as easy to go to God to get the help you need? Anytime you need help, you can go to God to get it. You’re able to tap into His ability and mercy to help you in any situation that you face.

Today’s Truth: You can go to God to get help anytime you need it.

Take comfort today knowing that you can go to God in any situation to get the help you need.  When you need help today decide to go to God. He is happy to help you with anything you face.


Daily Devotion and Bible Verse – 2 Corinthians 4:18

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. – 2 Corinthians 4:18 (NIV)

When we look at all the things going on around us, we can get distracted. There are so many things calling for our attention. Many of these things are only temporary. But, the promises of God are eternal.

Placing our eyes and minds on the promises of God, helps us to see the unseen. These things will last forever. If God made a promise to you in the Bible, then you can be sure it’s eternal. It doesn’t matter if you see that promise working at this moment, it is a true and you can stand on it.

Trusting in God’s promises more than what you see around you can be very comforting. You can know that what you see is only temporary.

Today focus in on a promise that God made to you in the Bible. Realize that His promise to you is eternal.


Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 90:12

Teach us to number our days,
    that we may gain a heart of wisdom. – Psalm 90:12 (NIV)

Have you ever wished that you were more productive? Maybe that you did a better job with getting all the things done that need to be done each day? I know I have more than once.

There’s usually lots of homework, your job, your friends, your chores, your sports and other activities that keep your head spinning and you wondering how you will fit it all in.

One thing that God has recently been showing me is that even in the busiest of days, we can go to Him and ask for His wisdom in numbering and ordering our days. Many times, I’ve wondered how to fit in all the things I need to do each day. When I’ve gone to God and prayer and asked for His help, He has always been so faithful. Time after time, He has given me an idea of what to do and how to move things around in my life so that I have the time for Him.

The same is true for you. Yes, you’re probably busy. There are the demands of life, but God can help you with those things. If you’ll ask Him for wisdom, He will show you how you can count your days and get all the things that need to be done, done in your life. So today, don’t be afraid to ask Him. He is faithful and will always help you with the wisdom that you need to get those things in life done.

Today’s Truth: Ask God’s wisdom for getting things done each day.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 98:1

Sing to the Lord a new song,
    for he has done marvelous things;
his right hand and his holy arm
    have worked salvation for him. – Psalm 98:1 (NIV)

One day, as a fifth grader, I became so worried. I realized that I had checked out an item from the library and thought that I hadn’t returned it and lost it. The item I had checked out was really expensive and I was certain that I was going to owe the library hundreds of dollars. I felt as if I was going to be sick. Nothing that was being taught that day was retained and I was constantly worried.

As soon as I could, I called my mom at home. I asked her if she could bring the item to me so that I could return it. During the call, she reminded me that she had already taken the item back to the library. I realized that I had forgotten that she told me that she had returned the item.

Forgetting what my mom had done led me to worry and to have a really bad day. So often, we do the same with God. We forget the good things He has done for us. As a result, we often live life worried or afraid. How much better off would we be if we simply reminded ourselves of God’s faithfulness?

Today’s verse tells us that God has done marvelous things. We should remember those things and hold onto them. Instead of living full of worry and fear, we should challenge ourselves to recall God’s might, His goodness and all the things He has done for us. In doing so, we can leave worry and fear behind us in this new year.

Today’s Truth: Remember the things God has done.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 2 Corinthians 5:15

He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them. – 2 Cor 5:15

One really important question to ask yourself is “who am I living for?” Where do you spend the majority of your time? Watching TV? Reading your favorite book? How you spend your time shows you a lot about who you’re living for.

In today’s Bible verse, it talks about no longer living for yourselves, but living for Christ. Living for yourself is easy and it comes naturally. No one has to teach you to live for yourself, it just happens automatically. Living for Jesus, however, takes some effort.

It takes putting aside the things that might be good, but distract you from spending time with God. It means standing up for the things that matter to God rather than being silent. Living for God takes effort and takes you standing up and going against the flow of everyone else around you.

Living for God, however, brings great rewards to you. By living for God, you get to skip a lot of the heartbreak that comes from not doing things God’s way. You also get to enjoy a close and deep relationship with God. Living for God is one of the best decisions you can make. Decide this year that you’re going to make a change and begin living for God!

Today’s Truth: Living for God Brings Great Rewards

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Philippians 3:14

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:14

If you’re like most people, you’ve set some goals for the new year. Maybe you want to lose some weight, read your Bible more, or some other thing. You’ve probably written those things down, but it’s easy after a few weeks to forget about your goals and stop moving toward them.

The key to accomplishing any goal is to take small steps toward the goal and not quit. If you keep moving in the direction of your goal, even when it gets hard and you’d rather do something else, you’ll have good results.

If you want to read your Bible more, don’t wait for a huge chunk of time and then read your Bible for 3 hours straight. Instead, press a little each day toward your goal. For example, choose to read your Bible for five minutes before you go to bed each night. Use little moments and make them count. Doing that will make you more likely to succeed and accomplish your goals.

Choose today to pursue godly goals and keep pressing toward them until you’ve seen them come to pass in your life. Don’t stop. Keep taking steps every day to your goals.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 78:2

My mom was always teaching me, sometimes to my utter annoyance. Almost every moment in the car was spent in discussion of the deeper meanings of life or the Bible. At home, it was always, did I ever tell you how to…and she’d proceed to tell me how to cook or clean something. Many times, I wished that I wasn’t learning something else new. My brain wanted a break.

However, as I’ve gotten a little older, I realize that my mom had a lot more wisdom than I gave her credit for. Her lessons however annoying at the time, have in fact come in handy many times in my life.

for I will speak to you in a parable. I will teach you hidden lessons from our past – Psalm 78:2 (NLT)

God’s word can come in handy too. The lessons contained in the Bible can really help us in our walk with God. By reading about the past, we can learn and grow. And while it can sometimes feel like a lot of work, learning and being open to the Bible’s teaching can help you out in life too.

Instead of being frustrated by a Bible lessons, you can choose to enjoy learning from God’s word. The Bible has practical truths for every part of your life. If you’ll let it, the Bible can help you out in every situation that you face.

So this year, choose to let the Word of God begin to change you. Spend time in God’s word and think about what you read in it. Apply it to your life. Don’t let it become a burden or another thing you have to learn, but determine to enjoy it. As you do, your life will change and you’ll experience the power found in the Bible.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 78:1

My people, hear my teaching;
    listen to the words of my mouth. – Psalm 78:1 (NIV)

I remember a time I asked my dad if I could go to get some lunch with friends after church. My dad said, “yes”, so I got a ride with a friend’s mom to get lunch. Once lunch was over, my friends and I talked a little bit, and then I got dropped off at home. When I walked into my house, I was met with a very angry dad. He asked me where I had been and asked why I hadn’t told him where I was going after church. I’m sure you can imagine my surprise, as I had asked my dad before leaving if it was okay to go.

When I told my dad what had happened, he and I both realized that even though my dad had said, “yes”, it was to the other person that he was having a conversation with after church and it wasn’t to me. In fact, my dad hadn’t even heard me ask to go have lunch with friends.

My dad not hearing me reminds me of today’s Bible verse. Psalm 78 tells us that we should both hear and listen. That might seem like it’s saying the same thing twice, but I think it’s a little like my dad and my conversation after church. We sort of heard each other, but we weren’t really listening. If my dad had been listening more closely, he would have realized I told him where I was going. If I had listened more carefully, I would have realized that my dad was responding to something someone else had said, not to my request.

The same is true when it comes to the things of God. We can hear a verse or a passage, but not really let it sink in. We’ve heard it, but not listened to it. As this new year comes, let’s take some time to do both. Let’s not just casually hear Bible truths, but let’s also listen to them. Let’s see what they have to speak into our lives and let’s let God’s word transform our lives in this next year!

Today’s Truth: Don’t just hear God’s word, listen too!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotional – Ephesians 2:8

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8 (NIV)

Many people believe in the grace of God. They believe that God has provided wonderful gifts and that He has given those blessings out for us to receive. However, if they only believe in the grace of God and not faith, there is no clear understanding on how to get those blessings to flow into your life.

Then there are those who believe in faith. They have grasped the understanding that it’s impossible to receive anything from God without faith. Those that have a strong emphasis on faith alone can feel that they are responsible for getting results from God.

However, this verse says that it takes grace and faith working together for us to receive from God. Grace is something that is freely given by God. It cannot be earned. It is a gift. Faith is what we do to step out and believe what has already been given freely by grace. Faith cannot get God to do something He hasn’t done yet. It simply reaches out and receives what has already been provided by grace.

Today, find a scripture of a promise that God has already done and then use that verse to step out and believe it in faith. This is how you get grace and faith working together.


Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Isaiah 9:6

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. – Isaiah 9:6

I remember one Christmas someone I know got a present that was lost in shipping. It took several weeks after Christmas for the present to arrive at his house. However, that person expected the present to come and kept waiting day after day hopefully. And so each day, they went out to the mail box, checking to see if the package had arrived.

Finally one day, weeks after it was expected the present came. And what a great day it was. The present could be played with and enjoyed.

That’s a lot like today’s Bible verse. Jesus is coming again. One day, we will get to see Him in His second coming. And what a great day that will be. It will be better than any Christmas present or any party we could ever imagine. On that day we will see Jesus, the wonderful, counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, and prince of peace. So hold on to hope that one day, you too will get to see Jesus face to face.

The message of Christmas is that God himself came to earth to help and love us, and that He will come again soon.

We appreciate all our readers. We will be taking the rest of the week off to spend with our family. We hope that you have a wonderful Christmas full of all the joy that Jesus brings!