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Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Proverbs 16:32

Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city. – Proverbs 16:32 (NLT)

We often put a lot of emphasis on what we do. If we get good grades or make the winning shot at basketball then we’re a success. And while getting good grades and doing well at sports is really great, they are not all there is to life. Success in life is more than just what you do. It’s also things like having self-control and being patient. Do you have the self-control to say no to peer pressure? Are you patient when things get tough in your life?

Often, the difficult times in our lives help us develop character. When things are going good, it’s easy to thank God and be happy. When things are hard and you don’t know if you can go on, that’s when your character is shown. What do you do when you’ve got more homework than time to complete it? What do you do when you’re pressured by your friends to do ungodly things? Who you are and what you do in those situations show off the habits you’ve developed in your life up to this point.

So instead of getting upset by difficulty, try to look at it in a positive light. Difficult situations can be a time for you to grow and practice patience and self-control. Decide to let difficulty make you better. Choose to work on the habits and attitudes of your heart and grow closer to God during these times.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – James 1:3

Knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience. – James 1:3 (KJ 2000 Bible)

If we’re honest, we all hate being patient. Have you ever prayed and asked God for something and then you had to be patient and wait until you got the results you prayed for?

A lot of times, we are impatient because we haven’t seen the results we wanted to see in our lives yet. We often move too early or stop too soon because we weren’t patient. Being patient is tough and it requires a lot of trust in God. It doesn’t come to us naturally, it’s something we have to work on.

However, it’s often in difficulty that we get to develop patience. When things are tough, we often want to move God or help God out to get quicker results. However, it’s when we truly trust God and are patient that we see good results.

Today’s Truth: When we trust God and are patient, we will see good results.

So today, if there’s something that you’ve prayed for but haven’t seen yet, don’t be discouraged. Look at it as an opportunity to develop patience in your life. Realize that God hasn’t forgotten you or let you down, it just takes some time to see the results you prayed for. Don’t give up or quit too soon, but patiently trust God knowing that He will come through for you.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – James 1:4

But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, lacking in nothing. – James 1:4 (KJ 2000 Bible)

Have you noticed how many things in life take time? If you want to get your driver’s license, you’ve got to take driver’s ed classes, study, practice driving and take a test. There are steps to follow and a process for being able to drive legally.

The issue for most of us is that we don’t want to be patient in the process. We want the license but don’t want to put in the time, energy and patience to get the license. We just want that license now.

Today’s Bible verse talks about patience. The choices and attitudes we display while we are waiting show the character of our heart. Patience isn’t easy. It would be easier if the problems we had in your life would just go away and we were immediately successful. However, it’s often when we’re waiting that we have opportunities to develop godly character.

So today, if you’re not where you want to be, stay encouraged. Trust God and trust the process. Learn to be patient and content knowing that in this time of waiting, you’re building the character that will set you up for success later in life.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Hebrews 6:12

We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. – Hebrews 6:12

A lot of the time we focus on the importance of faith and forget how much patience plays a role in obtaining the promises of God. We need faith because that’s what calls the promises of God into being. However, patience is what will keep you going when you haven’t seen the promise yet.

The importance of patience is often overlooked. Patience is what kept Sarah going after she had a promise from God that said she would be a mother. And then year after year, she hadn’t conceived a child. Sarah had to be patient until she received the promise God gave her.

God has given us all promises. And yet we often want to give up on the promises of God when trials come. We think it would be easier to give up than to endure. However, you only learn from the trials you endure. Patience is what keeps us going in the middle, between the promise of God and seeing that promise come to pass in our lives.

So today, remember to practice patience. It isn’t easy waiting on the promises God gave you, but remember that God is faithful. If He’s given you a promise He will bring it to pass in your life. You’ve got to just be patient until you see the promise come to pass in your life.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Romans 12:12

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. – Romans 12:12 (NIV)

Have you noticed that people don’t change as quickly as you’d like? Maybe your parents are far from God and they’ve seen great fruit in your life from knowing God, but yet they haven’t made a decision for Him yet. Maybe you have a brother who keeps saying he’s going to change his bad habits but it seems like he never does. How do you stay patient with people who don’t change and do the things you want them to do?

It’s difficult loving people who don’t make good choices. Sometimes you just want to yell at them to stop, give them the silent treatment or do something drastic to get them to want to change. The reality is, getting other people to change is almost impossible. So how do you keep a good attitude when others are driving you nuts?

Read: Three Steps to Love Difficult People

One way is by choosing daily to walk in patience toward them. You may not ever get the person to change, but you can choose to change your attitude toward that person. You can choose to be patient when they mess up, when they don’t treat you right, and when they don’t make the choices you’d like them to. Even if they’ve broken promise after promise to you, you’re ultimately in charge of your attitudes. You get to choose if you let them make you bitter. You choose if they cause you to lose your peace. And you get to choose if you stay patient toward them.

So today, if you’ve got a difficult person in your life, don’t give up. Choose to be patient to them. Even when they’re doing those things that make you mad, remember that God loves them. You may never be able to get them to change, but you can choose to have a good attitude in the process. Choose to practice patience and peace today.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 37:23

Teen Devotion and Bible Verse on Purpose and God's Plans for your lifeThe LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. – Psalm 37:23 (NLT)

Do you ever wish that God would just show you your future? I wish He’d just show up and tell you that at 18 you should go to college, then at 23 years old, you meet the person you should marry. Then at 25, you find the job that you’re going to love. By 30, you’ve got a great house, 2 kids and you’re successful and fulfilled.

As great as that would be, that’s not the way God leads us. When God leads, He shows us a step at a time. We feel peace about one step, we take it, then He shows us the next step we’re to take.

God leads us and tells us that our steps are ordered by Him. He doesn’t tell us that He will reveal to us the whole journey.

Today’s Take Away – Finding Purpose Takes Patience

That’s really hard sometimes. Most of us would prefer knowing the whole journey. But the interesting thing about this whole thing is that as we begin our journey of purpose, we learn to trust and rely on God.

If we had the whole journey mapped out for us, we wouldn’t really need to lean on God.

Discovering your purpose in life is a process. It’s a journey and it takes time and patience. Sometimes, it’s making mistakes, learning from them and discovering to trust God in a new way. Other times, it’s leaning on God in faith and doing something that feels a bit hard and scary.

Finding your purpose in life doesn’t come all at once. It’s a process. It’s learning to lean on and trust in God and know that when you need to know the next step to take, God will show it to you.

Today’s Truth: When you need to know the next step to take, God will show it to you

 If you enjoyed today’s devotion and want to follow along with a PDF version, you can download our 10-day purpose planner. It’s full of devotions to help you discover your God-given purpose.

Other Devotions About Purpose

  1. Your Identity Isn’t Your Purpose.
    Making decisions about your future can seem really scary sometimes. Make them easier by realizing that your purpose is not your identity. Your identity can only be found in Jesus.
  2. Finding Purpose Takes Patience
    God leads us and tells us that our steps are ordered by Him. He doesn’t tell us that He will reveal to us the whole journey.
  3. Finding Purpose Takes Faith
    The key is on the journey to discovering your purpose is to not lose faith. It takes faith to follow God’s plan and His leading.
  4. Purpose Requires Action
    You can daydream amazing things. You can get excited about things that you’d like the future to hold for you. In fact, you can even pray about God’s plan for your life, but if you don’t take action on those things, you won’t end up doing anything for God.
  5. Day 5 – God’s Purpose For You Is Good
    God wants good things for you. He has good things in store for your future

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 Corinthians 13:4

When someone does you wrong, how do you respond? When most people are treated wrongly, they tend to blow up. Usually, they get angry, are mean, and want to get back at the other person. What happens when someone gets the part in the school play that you wanted? Do you get jealous and stop talking to them?

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. – 1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV)

However, in this verse, we’re encouraged in this verse to be patient, and to be kind. That means that when someone does better than us, we don’t get envious of that person. Acting like that is hard to do in our own strength and ability.

Loving others

No matter how hard it might seem to love someone when you’ve been wronged there is good news. The Bible tells us God’s love is already in our hearts (Romans 5:5). So what we need to do is let that love dominate the way we act and treat others. The love is already there, its just up to us to bring it out!

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