Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Proverbs 13:20

Keep company with the wise and you will become wise. If you make friends with stupid people, you will be ruined.– Proverbs 13:20

Who you hang out with makes a difference in what you do and where you go in life. The people you spend the most time with will steer you goals, thinking, and actions. That’s why it’s so important to spend time with wise people.

This isn’t to say that you aren’t to be friendly to everyone. You shouldn’t ignore someone or be mean to them just because they aren’t a good influence. Instead, you’re to love that person. However, you should limit your time with people who aren’t influencing you in good ways.

Take a look at your friends today. What sort of influences are they in your life? Are they challenging you in your walk with God? Are they encouraging you to do smart things with your money? Do they call you out on a bad person to avoid dating? These types of people are the ones to spend your time with. The people that challenge you to be better.

Today, choose to make wise decisions when it comes to your friends. Limit exposure to those who drag you father from God and good decisions. Spend more time with those who draw you closer to God and to making good decisions.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 78:7

So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands. – Psalm 78:7 (NLT)

Yesterday we talked about passing our faith on to those around us. Like a note, passed to a friend, our faith is meant to pass on ideas about God to others. Today we’re looking at the reason why we do this. Why should we tell others about our faith in God?

The answer is in Psalm 78:7. Because we want our friends, family, and those around us to set their hope on God. God can be our hope in times of trouble.

But here’s the hard truth. In times of trouble, it’s really easy to forget that God is our hope. It’s easy to focus on the bad things going on in our lives, and forget that we have God and His help. That’s why today’s verse says that we’re to not forget His miracles and commands.

You never know who is watching you as you go through a difficult season. Your faith in God often inspires others to faith simply by you staying firm in what you believe. A person of faith always keeps their eyes God as the answer and reminds themselves of His past miracles.

So when you or someone you know is going through something difficult, remember what God has done in the past. Instead of putting all your focus on the problem, remind yourself of how God has come through. As you do that, you’ll inspire faith in those around you, and stay encouraged until you come through the trial.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 78:6

so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. – Psalm 78:6 (NIV)

I remember passing notes to one of my best friends at school. If we had different classes, we would fold up notes and try to slip them to each other in the hallway or put them in each other’s locker. It was a lot of fun passing on notes. We filled them with fun doodles and thoughts of what was going on. Passing notes became a fun part of each day.

Passing notes to a friend reminds me of today’s verse. Our faith is something that should be passed to others also. And you might think, I don’t really think I know enough about the Bible to tell my friends about it. Or you might say, I’m not that good at defending what I believe. It’s easy to find some excuse to stay silent about what you believe about God.

But the truth is, we’re not really given an excuse for silence in the Bible. Instead we’re encouraged to pass our faith along to the next generation.

How can you do that? Maybe it’s by encouraging a younger sibling. You could pray with them if they have a tough day. Perhaps at church you could find some friends or younger kids that attend and tell them what God has done for you. And this doesn’t have to be a huge rehearsed sermon. It can be something simple in conversation. For example, you could say, guess what? Last week I prayed that I would do well on my math test. And God helped me stay at peace while I took it. I got an “A” on it. Basic things like that will help encourage those around you to place their faith in God too.

So today, pray and ask God if there are ways that you can be proactive in passing your faith to those around you so that they too can place their faith in God.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Mark 6:3

Then they scoffed, “He’s just a carpenter, the son of Mary and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon. And his sisters live right here among us.” They were deeply offended and refused to believe in him. – Mark 6:3 (NLT)

Have you noticed that when you’re used to something it’s hard to appreciate it? In today’s Bible verse, we see people who didn’t believe in Jesus because they were used to Him. They lived with him, knew his family, and didn’t see how miraculous he was.

How often do we miss what God is trying to do in our lives because at times it seems ordinary? We miss that God is blessing us at our job because it’s not always easy. We miss the fact that God has brought friendships into our lives because they don’t always treat us right.

It’s so easy to miss the miraculous in our lives because sometimes it appears ordinary. And often we miss what God is doing because it doesn’t seem extraordinary. Choose today to not take for granted what God is doing in your life. Instead be thankful and realize that God is doing the miraculous in your life even if it feels like you can’t see it yet.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Proverbs 11:25

Do you want to be someone that others remember? Is your desire to impact your school and your world for Jesus? If we’re honest, most of us feel like we want our lives to make a difference. We want to be remembered for doing something that helped other people.

To do those things, you’ve got to begin to develop certain habits. One great habit to develop in your life is to think of ways to give to others.

Today’s Challenge: How Can I give to others?

When you give to others, you become a person that others want to be around. Instead of always hogging the conversation, and taking from others, look for opportunities to help them.

For example, you might be able to buy a friend something to drink from the vending machine. Perhaps you can encourage a friend that is having a bad day. Challenge yourself to look for ways to give into the lives of others.

When you become a giver, not only will others enjoy being around you more, but you’ll feel more fulfilled. You’ll also be happier because you’ve gotten outside of yourself and looked for ways to help others.

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. – Proverbs 11:25 (NIV)

Teen Devotion on Friendships
Every Teenager’s Guide to Successful Friendships

For more tips on friendships, check out our 10-day devotion. It offers practical advice on friendships, scriptures to grow your faith, and lots more.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 2 Cor 5:16

From now on, then, we do not know anyone in a purely human way. Even if we have known Christ in a purely human way, yet now we no longer know Him in this way.
 – 2 Cor 5:16 (HSCB)

Have you ever wanted to get to know a celebrity? Maybe you wish that you could be friends with them or get to hang out with them. But since you don’t really know them, you know them from a far. You know about them from what you read about them online or what you see in a magazine. But in reality, you don’t really know them.

That’s a lot like how your relationship with Jesus was before you became a Christian. You knew who He was, maybe even that He was a good person, but you didn’t really know Him.

Once you accept Jesus into your heart, you now get to know Him in a new way. You don’t know Him in a human way, but you get to know Him in a closer, deeper way. Start the new year off being grateful that you get to know God in a deep way! Make getting to know God one of your new year’s resolutions this year.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Proverbs 16:32

Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city. – Proverbs 16:32 (NLT)

We often put a lot of emphasis on what we do. If we get good grades or make the winning shot at basketball then we’re a success. And while getting good grades and doing well at sports is really great, they are not all there is to life. Success in life is more than just what you do. It’s also things like having self-control and being patient. Do you have the self-control to say no to peer pressure? Are you patient when things get tough in your life?

Often, the difficult times in our lives help us develop character. When things are going good, it’s easy to thank God and be happy. When things are hard and you don’t know if you can go on, that’s when your character is shown. What do you do when you’ve got more homework than time to complete it? What do you do when you’re pressured by your friends to do ungodly things? Who you are and what you do in those situations show off the habits you’ve developed in your life up to this point.

So instead of getting upset by difficulty, try to look at it in a positive light. Difficult situations can be a time for you to grow and practice patience and self-control. Decide to let difficulty make you better. Choose to work on the habits and attitudes of your heart and grow closer to God during these times.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 78:4

We will not hide them from their descendants;
    we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,
    his power, and the wonders he has done. – Psalm 78:4 (NIV)

I remember a certain day at school when one of my teachers spent most of the afternoon lecturing the class for something they had done wrong. Thankfully, I hadn’t participated in the wrongdoing, and so I got to sit back and watch many of them getting in trouble, all the while knowing the lecture and subsequent punishment did not apply to me.

It can be easy to read the Bible with a similar mindset. When reading, you might see a passage like today’s and think, I’m not a parent, so I don’t need to even read or think about what this verse is telling me, and we skip over it without giving it any thought.

And it’s true that you’re probably not a parent yet. But one day you might be. And verses like these can help you when you are. Also, you’re probably influencing younger people around you. Maybe you have a little brother or sister. Or perhaps there are some younger kids that you babysit or see at church. This verse could apply to your relationship with them too.

Whether you realize it or not, you have a responsibility to take the gospel to the next generation. And telling the next generation about what God has done can start for you now. Take your little brother or sister for example, there are probably things you could be doing to encourage your little brother or sister in their faith. Maybe they have doubts about God that you could help them through. Perhaps you could just be a good example to them by making good choices and living for righteousness.

If you’re open to it, God can prompt you and show you a way that you can begin showing His goodness to the next generation. So don’t wait. God can use you today to help the next generation learn more about the goodness of God. Start by asking God how, and be open to being used by Him to help others know Him more.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 10:27

Things are moving. We are busy. We reach for our phones all the time when there’s a lull in the conversation. If we’re bored, we fill that space with videos and music.

I also enjoy watching a funny video, but when it comes down to it, we often keep ourselves so busy, there’s never any quiet.

When do we take the time to be still? When do we just sit in our rooms and think?

More importantly, when do we take the time to listen to what Jesus would speak to us?

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. – John 10:27 (NIV)

Today’s Bible verse says that as Jesus’ followers we should listen to His voice.

Take a moment to think. Are you doing that? Do you allow Jesus to speak? Or is every moment filled with videos, music, friends, and TV?

Challenge yourself today to take some time to be still. Listen to what Jesus would speak to you. As you do, you’ll find that He wants to show you things, help you with your math homework, and maybe even speak to you about who to date.

Jesus loves you, cares about you and wants to be involved with you. Will you get still to let Him speak?

Today’s Challenge: Still Yourself and Listen to Jesus

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Romans 8:31

What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? – Romans 8:31 (NLT)

The fact that God sent His only Son for us is incredible. Even more incredible is the fact that God sent Jesus when we were His enemies. If God gave us His very best when we were at our worst, we can rest assured that He will give us His best now that we are His kids!

Today’s Truth: God gives you his very best because you’re his child.

No matter who or what might be coming against you today realize that it doesn’t have to slow you down or depress you. God is for you and knowing that is all the encouragement you need to face any difficulty that comes your way.

So today remind yourself that God is for you. Even when it’s hard. In those times you don’t think you can make it, know that God is there! He loves you and He wants the very best for you.