My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. – John 10:27 (NLT)
Right now, we are living in a time when there are so many voices. From social media accounts to our leaders, everyone is talking, talking, talking. All those voices sometimes can make your heart feel anxious.
When the news, social media, and other sources cause us confusion, we should choose to listen to God’s voice.
Today’s Truth: Listen to God’s Voice
As we listen to God’s voice by reading our Bible and spending time praying, it often brings us the peace we need and long for. It’s good to listen to God’s voice because it will set your heart at peace even if it seems like the world is far from peaceful.
God’s voice tells you that you’re loved. He tells you that you have a purpose. As you listen to His voice, it helps bring your heart to a place of peace and rest.
Today, if you’ve been guilty of listening to all the voices out there on the news and social media, choose to make some adjustments. Take some time away from those voices and focus on the voice of truth: God’s Word. Hear what God has to say about your situation and your circumstances. Learn to rest in His peace and presence.