Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Luke 6:40

The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher. – Luke 6:40 (NIV)

I remember I had a friend who always said a certain word. And after hanging around her all the time, I began saying that word. I sounded like the person I spent time with.

That’s a lot like what today’s Bible verse is talking about. It’s saying that the people you choose to spend time with are the people that you’re going to be like. Whether that’s your teachers, your friends, the TV shows you watch, or something else, the influences that you spend the majority of your time with are going to shape what you become.

As you go to school each day, your teachers and textbooks are shaping your thinking. The friends you surround yourself influence you too. So are those influences good ones? Are they ones that are making you more like Christ? If they are, then that’s great. But if not, spend some time thinking about whether you need to make an adjustment.

Realize that who you spend time with matters. Choose to spend time getting closer to God each day. As you spend time in the Bible and prayer, you’ll become more like Jesus, who is the best teacher!

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