Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 2 Chronicles 26:5

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion - Seeking GOd

Uzziah sought God during the days of Zechariah, who taught him to fear God. And as long as the king sought guidance from the LORD, God gave him success. – 2 Chronicles 26:5 (NLT)

When you’re looking at a future career, it can be easy to just look at what looks the most exciting. Maybe you want to make lots of money, so you pursue a career that will bring you wealth. Or perhaps you go after a job that will get you into a fun or funky marketing company because you like the atmosphere. Lots of thought usually goes into your career decision.

One thing many teenagers forget to do, however, is to seek guidance from God. God wants you to have an awesome life, full of adventure following after Him. He has good things in store for you. This doesn’t mean that life is always going to be easy, but by following God’s plan, will help you feel more fulfilled.

So today, if you’re considering a career, seek the advice of others, look for things that seem fun and exciting, but ultimately, be open to God’s leading. God will show you what college to go to or what career to pursue that is right for you.

Be open to hear from Him and don’t be afraid to act on what you hear. He might ask you to do or go somewhere that might seem different than what you expected. Trust His leading. He’s not going to tell you to do something that will hurt you in the long run. Trust God and get His guidance when making decisions.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 Timothy 4:8

“Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.” – 1 Timothy 4:8 (NLT)

Living a godly life can get a bad name sometimes. We can often think that being godly means that we don’t get to have any more fun. We imagine our nights full of reading the Bible and saying no to every fun thing our friends ask us to do.

But in reality, God doesn’t ask us to hate life, or to even say no to all fun. In this verse, He just tells us that godliness is better. Living for God brings benefits in your life now and in your life to come.

God wants to bring good things into your life. He wants you blessed, successful and promoted at everything you do. So today, if you’re on the fence about living for God, be encouraged. God has good things for you. He’s not trying to keep you from fun but rather wants to bring you benefits and blessings that you’ve never imagined.

As you get to know Him, you’ll realize that knowing Him is far better than any fun you might feel like you miss out on. Instead, stay close to God, follow after Him and you’ll experience blessings in this life and the one to come!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Isaiah 41:10

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10 (NLT)

We all have stuff we’re afraid of. It might be the fear of speaking in front of others, the fear of heights, the fear of going to the dentist, or perhaps some other fear. Regardless of what type of fear it is, we all face situations in life when we’re afraid.

This Bible verse gives us some good news when it comes to fear. It tells us to not be afraid. We don’t have to be afraid because we have a hope that others don’t. We know that God will strengthen us and help us in each situation that we face.

Today’s Truth: God will strengthen us and help us in each situation that we face

We have someone who knows the future and the past, who has unlimited wisdom and resources and who is saying that He will help us. When we realize the fact that God is on our side, that He’s ready to walk with us through any situation or circumstance that we might face, we can see why He tells us to not be afraid. God won’t let us down, so we have no reason to be afraid.

If you struggle in the area of fear, here’s another devotion to encourage you!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Ephesians 3:17

Then, by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life. – Ephesians 3:17

I learned some HTML programming while in school. One fun thing I learned was how to go to source view in a browser. When viewing the source, you can see all the HTML code that makes up a web page. If a link to a stylesheet wasn’t typed properly, a page could look horrible. I realized quickly in my basic web programming class that the source mattered.

In our lives, this is true too. Our source matters. Where do we base our happiness? When we feel down and unworthy, where do we go to find our value and worth? The things we look to be our source make a huge difference in the trajectory of our lives.

Today’s Truth: Look to Jesus to be the source of what you need for life.

Often, we discover the source of our worth and happiness when things are tough. When things are good, it’s easy to say that Jesus is your source. It’s when things get really hard that we struggle and often realize that perhaps we hadn’t made Jesus our true source. So today, regardless of what you’re facing, be encouraged. Jesus loves you. He wants to be your source. So look to Him. Read your Bible and put in the effort to make Jesus the source of all you need in your life.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 2 Kings 6:6

The man of God asked, “Where did it fall?” When he showed him the place, Elisha cut a stick and threw it there, and made the iron float. – 2 Kings 6:6 (NIV)

In today’s Bible verse, we see Elisha helping out on a very basic thing. They had been working, and as they worked, the axe head they’d been using fell into the water. It sunk to the bottom, and to make matters worse, it was a tool that had been borrowed. If you’re anything like me, if you dropped a tool in the water, the last thing you’d think about doing is to ask God for help. I’d probably be freaking out and thinking through how I was going to tell the person I’d borrowed the axe from that it was at the bottom of the river.

Instead, Elisha does the miraculous, and the axe floats. Isn’t that amazing? Instead of panic, he went to God and got his answer.

It makes me wonder, how often do we miss God’s help because we don’t even think to ask? I’d guess it’s a lot more often than we realize. God could be helping us with lots of things, and yet we often don’t even think to ask Him.

I believe that God is willing and ready to help us in every area of our lives. From big things to small ones, we can count on Him to come through for us. So don’t get busy today and forget that God wants to help you. All you have to do is believe that He wants to do it and ask Him. Then you’ll get good results.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotional – Proverbs 10:26

Lazy people irritate their employers, like vinegar to the teeth or smoke in the eyes. – Proverbs 10:26 (NLT)

Do you want to stand out and get promoted at your job? To do that, you’ve got to choose to not be lazy. Instead, be diligent and a hard worker. When others are standing around talking, find some work to do. When you come across a new problem, instead of complaining about it, come up with a solution and run it by your boss. Offer to help in areas that are beyond your immediate duties.

Let’s face it, most of us are naturally lazy and would rather just do the least that is expected. However, this verse says that being lazy just irritates your boss and makes life harder for them.

Be a blessing by going over and beyond in your work. And don’t just do it for a day or a week. It can take several months to really make it a new habit and for others to notice. Keep at it, and others will notice, but most importantly, God will notice.

Decide today to work hard, do your best, and see how God can bless you in what you put your hand toward.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 55:22

Cast your burden on the LORD, and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.  – Psalm 55:22 (HCSB)

Sometimes in the really difficult situations in life, it’s hard to want to keep going. It can be tempting to want to give up, quit or check out. How do you keep going when life gets hard?

This verse gives us some ideas of what we can do when we get discouraged. It tells us to cast our burden on the Lord. When we carry our burdens, we get tired and weary, but if we instead go to God with our burdens, we find strength.

Today’s Truth: When we take our burdens to God, we find strength.

Today, regardless of what you’re going through, know that you can make it. God will sustain you and help you through it. Go to God with your worries, fears, and troubles and see God come through for you.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Romans 8:1

So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One. – Romans 8:1 (TPT)

Have you ever told on your brother or sister to get them in trouble? Maybe you got in trouble for forgetting to do the dishes and instead of owning up to it, you thought of two things your brother did wrong and told your mom. Secretly, you were hoping he would get in trouble instead of you. Basically, you were accusing your brother.

And while God can’t get you out of trouble with your mom, He isn’t accusing you. God isn’t bringing up all the wrong things you’ve done. Instead, He has closed the case against you. Because of what Jesus did for you, all guilt, shame, and condemnation have been removed from you.

Today’s Truth: You can live in freedom. God isn’t holding your sin against you.

This means you can live a life full of freedom. You don’t have to be held back by feelings that you don’t measure up or that you’re not enough. In Jesus, you are more than enough. Your worth comes from what God says about you, not others.

So today be encouraged, God loves you. He’s not holding your sins against you. He has closed the case. Choose to believe God over your feelings, fears and what others say about you. When you do, you’ll experience freedom in Christ Jesus.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 3 John 1:2

Emotions aren't always truthful

Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. – 3 John 1:2 (NIV)

It can be easy to believe your emotions. They feel so real, don’t they? And sometimes our emotions scream so loud, it’s hard to hear anything else. Especially when you’re really mad. Then it seems like it’s impossible to hear or focus on anything else.

The thing about emotions is that they aren’t always truthful. That doesn’t mean that they don’t feel real. It just means that at times, when we respond emotionally, we’re not always responding in the best way.

For example, if you get mad at your mom, and start yelling at her and end up saying unkind things, you aren’t choosing to respond in the best way. As a result, you won’t always get the best results.

Today’s Truth: Emotions aren’t always truthful.

Part of being an emotionally healthy person is learning to take a step back when handling big emotions. Sometimes the best thing you can do is give yourself a moment to process what happened. Then instead of blowing up or getting mad, you can choose to respond in a more productive way that will get you better results.

God wants you to prosper in every way, including in your soul and emotions. So today, if you’ve been guilty of letting your emotions determine your response, ask God for ideas how you can respond in more healthy ways. Let Him show you how you can become an emotionally healthy person.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 John 4:18

There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love. – 1 John 4:18 (Message)

Fear. It’s something we all deal with from time to time. The crazy thing about fear is that it hits each of us differently. Some are afraid of the dark, others fear small spaces, while others fear speaking in front of people or being alone. There are lots of different varieties of fear, but the thing that all fears have in common is that they stop us.

Fear stops you from doing more, saying more, and being more. It holds you back and if left unchecked, fear will keep you from doing the things that God is calling you to do. So, how do you go about curbing the fears that hold you back?

A great way to do that is to begin to focus on God’s love. Today’s Bible verse shows us that love banishes fear. That means that the more we focus on the fact that God loves us, and that He’s provided everything we could ever need to do what He’s called us to, the more we realize that fear doesn’t have a hold on us any longer. Fear can’t be effective in our lives if we’re so focused on God’s love for us. God’s love drives out all fear. It shows us that God will take care of us in every situation and every circumstance.

So if you’re struggling with fear today, take some time to begin to think on God’s love. Find scriptures in the Bible that tell you how loved you are and stories that show you how God came through for those who loved Him. As you focus on these things, fear will have to leave your life!