Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – James 1:2

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. – James 1:2 (NLT)

Does this verse strike you as being a little crazy? It’s telling us when troubles come our way to consider it an opportunity for joy. That seems crazy. Who gets joy out of troubles?

Today’s verse is telling us that when troubles come we have an opportunity to grow. We can learn from them and become more like Jesus.

Maybe this year has been a tough one for you. Life sometimes can be really difficult and full of storms sometimes.

The thing is in the middle of troubles we can rely on God’s Holy Spirit. The Bible tells us that one of the Holy Spirit’s jobs is to comfort us. So even when we’re pressed and faced with difficulty, we can look to the Holy Spirit for comfort.

We can get through the troubles we’re going through right now and come out stronger and more reliant on God. So today, if you’ve allowed the troubles around you to cause you to doubt God’s faithfulness, know this: God will not leave you in trouble without help.

He will walk with you, lead you and guide you through this all. You will come out of this stronger than before.

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