“Do you know when the mountain goats give birth?
Do you watch when the doe bears her fawn? – Job 39:1 (NIV)
How often do we need answers from God, and yet we forget to go to Him? Have you ever spent time thinking about the fact that God made our world? Not just in the mental consent way, like, yeah, I read Genesis, so yep, God made the world. But have you ever stopped to think about what that actually means?
If God made the world, then that means that any question we have about science and the world around us can be found in Him. So when we don’t understand a concept in science, we could ask God for help. When we don’t get why something works the way it does, we can go to God for help.
Isn’t that an amazing idea? How many questions are left unanswered simply because we forget to ask God? If God really created our world, then every answer about our physical world can be found in our relationship with Him. So when you don’t get why something works how it does, when you wonder about why a bug acts the way it does, why not go to God first?
Why not ask Him about the things that He created? What powerful answers might be available to us, and yet we never ask the questions?
So today, challenge yourself. Realize that if God made the world as He said He did, then He has answers for our questions about the physical world around us. We can go to Him and ask Him about a bug, tree, or any created thing and He wants to teach us.
That’s what today’s verse is saying. It’s saying that God knows when the mountain goat gives birth. He knows where she does too. And if He knows that, what else can we ask Him about? How much knowledge do we not have simply because we never asked the creator?
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