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Daily Bible Verse

These daily Bible verses are packed with great content. As teens read them they will grow in their walk with God. Also included are devotions which will help teens know God’s love in a deeper way.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Matthew 11:28

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28

Are you facing some difficult situations in your life? Maybe your parents are divorcing. Perhaps your best friend isn’t treating you right. Life is full of difficult situations, and in the middle of them sometimes it’s hard to hold your head up and keep hope alive that things will get better.

Read: 3 Steps to Love Difficult People

In today’s Bible verse it tells us to come to God when you’re weary. When you’re tired and life is hard, go to God. Tell Him how you feel and ask His wisdom in dealing with other people. In those situations where you don’t feel like you can go on, take heart. God hasn’t left you alone or helpless. He’s given you the Holy Spirit to be your comforter. Just lean on His help and ability to help you through tough times.

God wants to give you rest. If things have been hard and more than you feel like you can handle, be encouraged. God wants to give you the peace and rest that you need. So lean on God. Let God’s peace flood into your heart. Know that God hasn’t left you to face difficulty alone. Go to Him and get the help you need.

Life can be tough but know you’re not alone. You’ve got heavenly wisdom and help to face any and every situation. You will make it through!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 5:39

 We’ve been looking this week at the evidence that Jesus presented the Jewish leaders with that spoke to Him being God. One of these pieces of evidence would be difficult to come up with. When we have five of them, it’s very tough to imagine that Jesus is lying. Let’s take a look at today’s evidence.

You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, – John 5:39 (NIV)

In today’s verse we see that Jesus points to scripture testifying of Him. Now this is one of the hardest pieces of evidence to forge. Why? Because Jesus would have had to be able to fake where He was born. He would have had to fake things that would have been almost impossible to fake. Things that He had no control over, like His lineage or birthplace.

The scriptures speak to Jesus being the son of God. This is the final piece of evidence that Jesus presents to the Jewish leaders.

We like those Jewish leaders have a choice. We can hear all the evidence for Jesus and still choose to not believe. Or we can choose to accept the evidence, believe that it’s true and put our faith in Him. The choice, just like the one for those leaders is ours. However, if we examine the evidence, it leads us to the conclusion that Jesus was indeed God. It is the easiest explanation for the evidence we have regarding His life.

So what about you? Have you put your faith in Jesus? Have you decided to trust His saving work? If so, then you get to walk in the awesome limitless relationship He offers you. It knows no end to its goodness, and it will indeed bring you the peace your heart craves. Don’t delay making the decision for Jesus. Put your faith in Him today.

Today’s Truth: The scriptures testify that Jesus is God.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 5:37

 Over the last few days, we’ve been looking at evidence that Jesus presented as proof for being the son of God. Jesus knew that saying these things would have gotten Him eventually killed by the leaders of His time. So Him presenting this evidence would be very strange if it were not indeed the truth.

Also, it would be very difficult to get all this evidence to agree, if Jesus were not sent by God. So the most likely explanation for all the evidence that Jesus presents in this passage is that Jesus is indeed the son of God.

And the Father who sent me has himself testified concerning me. You have never heard his voice nor seen his form – John 5:37 (NIV)

Here we see Jesus presenting the next evidence for who He is. He says that the Father testifies concerning Jesus. Now Jesus might be able to say He’s the son of God, He might be able to convince His cousin that He was the son of God, maybe He could fake some miracles, but as He presents more and more proof, it continually becomes harder to doubt Jesus’ divinity.

When Jesus was baptized, God himself spoke and said that He was God’s son. So God Himself spoke to the fact that Jesus was the son of God. God said that Jesus was His son. So we have to believe this testimony as well.

Today’s Truth: God Himself testified that Jesus was God.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 5:36

In yesterday’s devotion, we talked about how Jesus was addressing the Jewish leaders and showing them the evidences that He is indeed God. We saw how John testified to who He was. It would be difficult to get someone to say you were God if you weren’t. And John said He was. Let’s look at what Jesus presented to them next.

“I have testimony weightier than that of John. For the works that the Father has given me to finish—the very works that I am doing—testify that the Father has sent me. – John 5:36 (NIV)

Next Jesus talked about the works He did. Of course Jesus could have gotten John to lie somehow and say that He was God. But the works and the miracles that Jesus did would be hard to forge. How could He heal the sick, raise the dead, forgive sins, and do all the works that He did without being God?

The most likely explanation for both the miracles Jesus did and the testimony of John, would be that He was indeed the Christ.

But the good thing is, Jesus didn’t just give us two pieces of evidence for who He is, He gave us even more. Let’s look tomorrow at the next piece of evidence He brings us in John 5.

Today’s Truth: The miracles of Jesus testify that He is God.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 5:33-34

Today’s passage is an interesting one. We know that it would be hard to convince people that you were God if you weren’t. Let’s assume that I decided to start telling people that I was God. If I did, it would take about two minutes, probably less for someone to find a bunch of reasons why that wasn’t true. And I certainly wouldn’t be able to convince others that knew me that I was God.

Yet, we see Jesus doing a really amazing thing in this portion of scripture. He was giving the Jewish leaders proof of His being the son of God. His first piece of proof was the testimony of John. John was his cousin, and John would have known Him pretty well. If Jesus wasn’t God, John could have easily told them. Yet, Jesus points to John as one of the proofs that He was indeed the son of God. Let’s read it.

“You have sent to John and he has testified to the truth. Not that I accept human testimony; but I mention it that you may be saved. – John 5:33-34

Why is this important to our faith? Because who you believe Jesus is matters a lot. All of Christianity hinges on this truth. This is what Jesus was trying to tell the Jewish leaders of His day. He was brining different testimonies of who He was to them to say, you can’t deny this. I am the son of God. I am the Messiah.

Let’s take the next couple of days to examine these different testimonies that Jesus presented. As we study them, we can begin to see that Jesus is God and help our own faith be strengthened knowing that Jesus is indeed God.

Today’s Truth: John testified that Jesus was God.

John 5:30-31

In today’s passage of scripture we begin to see Jesus presenting the case to the Jewish leaders that He was the son of God. In any good defense, there has to be evidence. What Jesus is doing here is presenting proof of who He is.

By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me. “If I testify about myself, my testimony is not true. – John 5:30

The first evidence Jesus presents is His own testimony. Obviously, we can’t only rely on the word of one person, so we will look at the other evidences He presents over the next few days. However, it’s important to note that Jesus doesn’t back down from calling Himself the son of God.

I know that if I was pressed by powerful leaders like the ones He was talking to, I would probably back down. If I knew that the things that I was saying would cause me to possibly get in trouble, or get killed, I’d think twice about what I was saying.

Yet Jesus, didn’t seem to think twice. Jesus knew what would happen to Him if He claimed to be God. And yet He did make that claim. So why would He do that? I think the most logical explanation of the facts is that Jesus indeed was God. Why would you say something that could get you killed unless it was the truth?

What Jesus did was give testimony of Himself, and He did it knowing the consequences of His words. So Jesus was most likely telling the truth. Yes, we have to believe it by faith that what Jesus said was the truth, but it is the best explanation of why He would say it. There would be no other motive He would have for claiming He was God unless He was God.

Today’s Truth: Jesus testified that He was God.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Proverbs 13:20

Keep company with the wise and you will become wise. If you make friends with stupid people, you will be ruined.– Proverbs 13:20

Who you hang out with makes a difference in what you do and where you go in life. The people you spend the most time with will steer you goals, thinking, and actions. That’s why it’s so important to spend time with wise people.

This isn’t to say that you aren’t to be friendly to everyone. You shouldn’t ignore someone or be mean to them just because they aren’t a good influence. Instead, you’re to love that person. However, you should limit your time with people who aren’t influencing you in good ways.

Take a look at your friends today. What sort of influences are they in your life? Are they challenging you in your walk with God? Are they encouraging you to do smart things with your money? Do they call you out on a bad person to avoid dating? These types of people are the ones to spend your time with. The people that challenge you to be better.

Today, choose to make wise decisions when it comes to your friends. Limit exposure to those who drag you father from God and good decisions. Spend more time with those who draw you closer to God and to making good decisions.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 78:7

So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands. – Psalm 78:7 (NLT)

Yesterday we talked about passing our faith on to those around us. Like a note, passed to a friend, our faith is meant to pass on ideas about God to others. Today we’re looking at the reason why we do this. Why should we tell others about our faith in God?

The answer is in Psalm 78:7. Because we want our friends, family, and those around us to set their hope on God. God can be our hope in times of trouble.

But here’s the hard truth. In times of trouble, it’s really easy to forget that God is our hope. It’s easy to focus on the bad things going on in our lives, and forget that we have God and His help. That’s why today’s verse says that we’re to not forget His miracles and commands.

You never know who is watching you as you go through a difficult season. Your faith in God often inspires others to faith simply by you staying firm in what you believe. A person of faith always keeps their eyes God as the answer and reminds themselves of His past miracles.

So when you or someone you know is going through something difficult, remember what God has done in the past. Instead of putting all your focus on the problem, remind yourself of how God has come through. As you do that, you’ll inspire faith in those around you, and stay encouraged until you come through the trial.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 78:6

so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. – Psalm 78:6 (NIV)

I remember passing notes to one of my best friends at school. If we had different classes, we would fold up notes and try to slip them to each other in the hallway or put them in each other’s locker. It was a lot of fun passing on notes. We filled them with fun doodles and thoughts of what was going on. Passing notes became a fun part of each day.

Passing notes to a friend reminds me of today’s verse. Our faith is something that should be passed to others also. And you might think, I don’t really think I know enough about the Bible to tell my friends about it. Or you might say, I’m not that good at defending what I believe. It’s easy to find some excuse to stay silent about what you believe about God.

But the truth is, we’re not really given an excuse for silence in the Bible. Instead we’re encouraged to pass our faith along to the next generation.

How can you do that? Maybe it’s by encouraging a younger sibling. You could pray with them if they have a tough day. Perhaps at church you could find some friends or younger kids that attend and tell them what God has done for you. And this doesn’t have to be a huge rehearsed sermon. It can be something simple in conversation. For example, you could say, guess what? Last week I prayed that I would do well on my math test. And God helped me stay at peace while I took it. I got an “A” on it. Basic things like that will help encourage those around you to place their faith in God too.

So today, pray and ask God if there are ways that you can be proactive in passing your faith to those around you so that they too can place their faith in God.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Mark 6:3

Then they scoffed, “He’s just a carpenter, the son of Mary and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon. And his sisters live right here among us.” They were deeply offended and refused to believe in him. – Mark 6:3 (NLT)

Have you noticed that when you’re used to something it’s hard to appreciate it? In today’s Bible verse, we see people who didn’t believe in Jesus because they were used to Him. They lived with him, knew his family, and didn’t see how miraculous he was.

How often do we miss what God is trying to do in our lives because at times it seems ordinary? We miss that God is blessing us at our job because it’s not always easy. We miss the fact that God has brought friendships into our lives because they don’t always treat us right.

It’s so easy to miss the miraculous in our lives because sometimes it appears ordinary. And often we miss what God is doing because it doesn’t seem extraordinary. Choose today to not take for granted what God is doing in your life. Instead be thankful and realize that God is doing the miraculous in your life even if it feels like you can’t see it yet.