Daily Bible Verse and Devotional – Hebrews 6:12

We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. – Hebrews 6:12 (NIV)

I hate being patient. How about you? It’s so tough to remain patient when you want to see results. Sometimes, it feels like God takes forever and His timing is slower than we’d like. However, He always does come through.

That’s where patience comes in. Think about Abraham. God spoke a promise to Him. Then Abraham waited for 25 years for that promise to come to pass. Abraham must have possessed a huge amount of patience to be content waiting on the promises of God for 25 years!

We often hear a lot of talk about faith, but it’s also patience that makes a big difference. Patience is staying in faith for a long period of time. It’s not giving up on the promises of God, but instead trusting God, even if it doesn’t seem like you can see results.

So how about you? Is there an area of your life where you’re trusting God? How is your patience? Are you trusting God to come through even when your emotions are running wild and it feels like the answer is delayed in coming?

Don’t give up believing and don’t give in. God is faithful. If He has spoken something to you, He will bring it to pass in your life. Keep on being patient!

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