For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. – Romans 3:23 (NLT)
We can often get caught up in the busyness of life that we don’t take time to recall all the good things Jesus has done for us. Being thankful and realizing the goodness of God is really important for us, and brings us joy and fulfillment.
Today’s Bible verse reminds us that we all have sinned. We’ve all lied. Each of us has done things that are not right and those sins cause us to fall short of God’s standard.
And as hard as we try to do good and be right, we can’t in our own strength. Continually we mess up and need God’s forgiveness.
That’s why knowing Jesus is so amazing. Because we couldn’t live good enough lives. We couldn’t do enough good to meet God’s standard. We deserved hell but got grace. That’s the goodness of God. It met us where we were when we least deserved it.
So today, take some time out of your busy life to thank God. Realize that you didn’t deserve what God gave you and thank Him today for His goodness in reaching out to you!
Today’s Truth: The goodness of God meets us where we least deserve it.