We will not hide them from their descendants;
we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,
his power, and the wonders he has done. – Psalm 78:4 (NIV)
I remember a certain day at school when one of my teachers spent most of the afternoon lecturing the class for something they had done wrong. Thankfully, I hadn’t participated in the wrongdoing, and so I got to sit back and watch many of them getting in trouble, all the while knowing the lecture and subsequent punishment did not apply to me.
It can be easy to read the Bible with a similar mindset. When reading, you might see a passage like today’s and think, I’m not a parent, so I don’t need to even read or think about what this verse is telling me, and we skip over it without giving it any thought.
And it’s true that you’re probably not a parent yet. But one day you might be. And verses like these can help you when you are. Also, you’re probably influencing younger people around you. Maybe you have a little brother or sister. Or perhaps there are some younger kids that you babysit or see at church. This verse could apply to your relationship with them too.
Whether you realize it or not, you have a responsibility to take the gospel to the next generation. And telling the next generation about what God has done can start for you now. Take your little brother or sister for example, there are probably things you could be doing to encourage your little brother or sister in their faith. Maybe they have doubts about God that you could help them through. Perhaps you could just be a good example to them by making good choices and living for righteousness.
If you’re open to it, God can prompt you and show you a way that you can begin showing His goodness to the next generation. So don’t wait. God can use you today to help the next generation learn more about the goodness of God. Start by asking God how, and be open to being used by Him to help others know Him more.