We have known and believed that God loves us. God is love. Those who live in God’s love live in God, and God lives in them. – 1 John 4:16 (GW)
The first part of today’s Bible verse talks about both knowing and believing. It’s easy to know in your head that God loves you and never take it any deeper. You can know that God loves you, but not really have that fact change your life. It’s when you begin to believe God’s love for you, that God’s love can begin to change your life.
When you believe that God loves you, it changes your outlook and perspective on life. You don’t have to run around feeling sad. Believing God’s love empowers you to take life’s challenges head on. You know that with God on your side you can face anything that comes your way.
So today, remember that God loves you. And really spend sometime thinking about that fact until you begin to really believe it. When you believe it, that’s when the power of God is unlocked in your life.