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What Text Messages Can Teach Us About Creation

Most of us would agree that the story of creation is a pretty neat one. But what does that story have to do with our everyday lives? Its neat that God created man, trees, animals and tons of great stuff for us to enjoy. But how does that impact our daily lives?

Here’s a few reasons why the creation story has power in your day to day life:

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  • It shows us that we are created as a reflection of God. (Gen 1:26-27) – God created us with a special plan in mind. We have a spirit and can fellowship with God. Its kind of like we’ve got God’s phone number and can send him a text whenever we want. We’re able to be in constant contact and talk to Him all the time. We’re able to get His ideas and thoughts as we live out our lives each day.
  • We see that we choose our own fate –  God didn’t create a bunch of clones or robots. He created us to be able to choose to talk to Him. Its like we have God’s number and are able to send Him a text any time we want to hear what He is saying to us. Its just up to us to choose to take advantage of having his number. You can either talk to Him and make His words important in your life or not. Its up to you. You choose to follow God, just like Adam chose.
  • Adam messed up, but God had a plan. – Even though Adam messed up in the garden by not choosing to obey God, God had a plan. He was getting ready to send His son Jesus into the world. God’s plan for getting mankind out of the mess we were in runs throughout the Bible. God has a plan for us to give us a way to be able to talk to Him.


The creation story has more to show us that what we see on the surface. Its easy to just see the stuff being created and not realize there is a story and plan behind it. Knowing that plan will help us live lives that take advantage of what God intended, friendship with Him. Its also good to remember that talking to God is just as easy as sending a text to a friend. We can communicate directly to God because we were made in the image of God. Just like you can send a friend a text message, at any time you can talk to God at anytime. Its awesome to know that God wants to talk to us!


What Makes Christianity Awkward?

devotion-for-teens-christianity-differentThere are lots of different religions in our world today. I’ve seen estimates there are around 20 major religions and many other minor religions in the world. With all those religions out there, what makes Christianity awkward or different from all the rest?

The answer is simple. Many of the religions in our world are seeking to DO the right things. They believe if they DO enough good things and right things they will gain heaven, enlightenment, or some other sort of reward.

Christianity is different. Its awkward. Its not like the other religions because its not about DOING.

Christianity takes DOING and turns it on its head. Instead of having to DO the right things to gain heaven or a reward, Christianity focuses on what has already been DONE. In true Christianity, you can’t DO anything to earn heaven. True Christianity says its all about what has been DONE. Its simply accepting Jesus and believing that His death on the cross was enough to pay for all your sins. It switches from DOING something to earn a reward to what Jesus has DONE.

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Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. – Ephesians 2:9 (NLT)


Christianity is awkward because its different. Unlike many of the other religions there is nothing you can DO to make yourself right with God. Its all about accepting what has been DONE. That’s hard to do. Its easier to feel like you should DO something to make yourself right with God. The truth is, its all about believing what God says over what you feel. That takes courage, and it can feel awkward at times.

Christianity is different because it is about what God DID. When we DO things its not to receive heaven or a reward, its in response to what God has already DONE. That’s what makes Christianity great!

Pray: God, I thank you that being a Christian isn’t about doing the right things, but its just simply believing and receiving what you’ve done by sending your son Jesus. I choose to live each day doing good things, not because I’m earning salvation, but because of what you’ve already done for me.


You’re In The Army Now

youth devotion

People enlist in the armed service of the United States every day. When they do, they sign up and make a commitment to serve. They’re provided with new clothes. Their old identity as nerd, athlete, or dodgeball hero is all gone. They just become a soldier. Then they go into basic training where they endure physical challenges that get their bodies in shape and their minds in line with the rules of the service. In exchange for all this, the government feeds, clothes and houses them during this time and pays their way.

Did you know that as a Christian, you have been enlisted as a soldier representing the Kingdom of God? You no longer represent yourself. In God’s Kingdom, He will clothe you, feed you and provide for you. He also will train you through the Word of God through your pastor’s teaching and your personal devotional time. There are some hard things you have to endure in your soul (mind, will and emotions) and your flesh- like forgiving people and being kind when you don’t feel like it.

Paul wrote a letter to Timothy and encouraged him:

2Timothy 2:3-4 – “Therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one who wars tangles with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who chose him to be a soldier.”

The purpose of hardness we endure is to get us in shape. We don’t always feel like praying or reading our Bible, but we know we have to spiritually fit to combat the attacks of the enemy, the devil. In order to win the battles of life, we have to submit to being trained or disciplined by God’s Word so that we win! Just like a soldier in Basic Training, it’s not always joyful- but it reaps a great reward. We learn how to live as a team, rather than just for ourselves.

[Tweet “To win in the battles of life, we have to submit to being trained or disciplined by God’s Word – @studentdevos”]

Hardness does not include sickness or depression. God never trains us with these- these are attacks of the enemy, the devil. We’re never to endure sickness or depression. Soldiers aren’t trained with these things.

You may be trained through a job with a tough boss. You may be trained in school with a tough teacher. You may be trained through a irritating brother or sister to walk in love and forgive. Just remember, every time you submit to this training and respond correctly, you’re getting in better shape all the time to be a good soldier in God’s army.

Pray: God, I realize I am not my own and you bought me in order to put me in Your army (the church) and represent you to this world. I’m a peace-keeper, I’m resisting the enemy and his attacks with the weapons of Your Word in my mouth. Help me submit to the training because it’s making me a better soldier.