Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Phil 3:12

I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. – Phil 3:12 (NLT)

I remember a time when I was mean to another kid at church. I wanted so badly for others to think I was funny that I didn’t even think about how it was going to make that kid feel. So I played a joke on this kid, and never took into account how badly it would make him feel.

After I made fun of the kid, I got in trouble with a teacher. Once I got caught, I felt really bad. From that time on, I realized how my actions could hurt other people and that I had made a mistake.

In life, we all make mistakes. There’s no way to stop that. We are going to have times when we make poor choices. In the end, however, what really matters is how you respond to your mistakes.

Your response to mistakes is important. You can choose to let mistakes stop you, or you can choose to let your mistakes make you better.

Today’s Truth: You get to choose whether mistakes stop you or make you better.

Mistakes can be a really good opportunity to learn. So today, determine that you aren’t going to let your mistakes stop you. Rather, choose to learn from your mistakes.

Decide to let your mistakes be teachers. Learn from them and get better!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 37:1

A psalm of David. Don’t worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong. – Psalm 37:1 (NLT)

Have you ever gotten frustrated at people who are doing bad things, but seem to have everything going for them? Has it ever made you question why you’re living for God? It can make you want to give up, let go of what you believe and start doing bad things too.

However, that’s not what today’s Bible verse tells us to do. Instead of just giving up, and questioning why you’re living for God, it tells us to not worry about those people. Don’t waste your time and energy on being frustrated with them. Doing this will wear you out and make you bitter.

The verse goes on to tell us that we also shouldn’t envy those who do wrong. We can see them having fun and doing things that seem so great and begin to envy those people. Being envious of others will never make you happy.

Today’s Challenge: Spend Time Getting to Know Jesus

God wants you free to live life to the fullest and enjoy it. He doesn’t want you spending your energy being upset about those doing wrong. Instead, we should be putting our energy into telling others about Jesus and getting to know Him more ourselves. So challenge yourself today to spend less time worrying about what others are doing and more time getting to know Jesus. You’ll find that you have more peace and are much happier!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 Corinthians 13:5

or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. – 1 Corinthians 13:5 (NLT)

How would you feel if you played sports but no one kept score? And at the end of the game, you weren’t really sure who the winner was. That would be a pretty strange feeling, thinking maybe you won but not being entirely sure. In sports, we like to keep score and know who won.

However, in relationships keeping score isn’t always a good thing. You might keep track of how many times your friend borrows money and doesn’t pay you back. You might keep track of how many times you go out of your way to help your friend and your friend doesn’t return the favor. Or perhaps, you might keep track of all the times you friend said something unkind to you.

Keeping score in sports has a point, but keeping score in relationships will ruin your relationship. If you’re always recalling when someone did something wrong to you, you’ll never enjoy a relationship. You’ll be going from one relationship to another, always disappointed.

So if you have a habit of nursing wounds and keeping score in relationships you might consider the godly wisdom offered in today’s Bible verse. Choose to not pay attention to the things people have done to you and instead choose to love those around you with God’s love.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 John 4:19

We love because He first loved us. – 1 John 4:19 (HSCB)

If you were honest, would you say you liked the person you are? Or are there some parts about yourself that you’d like to change?

Most of us would say there are things about us that we don’t really like that much. Maybe we compare ourselves to someone who is funnier than we are and feel like there’s something wrong with ourselves.

It’s easy to compare yourself with others and feel like you don’t really measure up.

Today’s Challenge: Learn to Like You

Today’s challenge is for you to learn to like who you are. A good place to start is by making a list of things you do well. Maybe you’re a good listener or a true friend. Grab a piece of paper or use notes on your phone and start writing out some things that you excel at.

Then take that list and put it somewhere that you will see it. Look at it each day and remind yourself that you have strengths and value. Those strengths might be different than others, but that’s ok. God made you the way you are for the specific call he has on your life.

Read More: I Am God’s Best

So today, if you’ve struggled with liking yourself, remind yourself of today’s Bible verse. God loved us before we loved Him. He loved us so much He was willing to risk everything to get to know you. You have value because God loves you. That will never change. So take comfort today knowing that you are loved!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Leviticus 25:4

But in the seventh year the land is to have a year of sabbath rest, a sabbath to the Lord. Do not sow your fields or prune your vineyards.- Leviticus 25:4 (NIV)

Today’s verse might seem like a weird choice. And yes, on the surface, it is a little strange. But let’s look a little deeper at what it’s saying. Today’s verse talks about something the nation of Israel did every seven years. Instead of planting that year, they didn’t. They rested.

Can you imagine that?

Instead of working hard, doing as much as they could, they rested. So how does this apply to you? Well, do you trust God? Do you trust him with your friendships? Can you trust that He will bring the right person to marry into your life one day? Do you trust Him with your future plans?

Often, it’s easier to trust in ourselves. We think it’s up to us to make it happen. And yes, we shouldn’t be lazy or not study hard in school. But when it comes to something big that God is calling you to, it’s really not all about you. You’re probably not smart enough to do what God has called you to do. You’re probably not fully qualified to do the things He’s put on your heart.

So instead of trying to do everything in your own strength, decide to rest like the nation of Israel. Rest knowing that God has your future covered. You can rest knowing that God is going to bring you the right person to marry. You don’t have to work trying to find the right person to date or force a relationship to work. Instead, you can trust God.

By resting, we say God, I know that you are the one who is going to bring it to pass in my life. I’m not going to be lazy, but I am going to rest. I’m going to do what you say to do. Then I’m leaving everything else to you.

That’s what rest looks like for us. It’s doing what God says and then trusting in Him to bring it to pass in our lives.

So today, challenge yourself to rest. Rest knowing that you serve a good God who is well able to bring what you need into your life.

Today’s Truth: Trust God with your future, and rest knowing He’s going to bring you what you need.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Leviticus 23:3

When it comes to school work, I’m competitive. I like to work hard, do my best, and of course get the absolute best grades. So when it comes time to do a group project, I’m all in. I do my share plus extra, all to be sure to get the very best grade.

But sometimes, that attitude isn’t always the best. Of course, you should work hard and do well at school. However, sometimes, I work so hard that I forget to rest. I put in so much effort that I wear myself out. And often, I don’t rely enough on God. Instead, I look to myself to make things happen.

“‘There are six days when you may work, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, a day of sacred assembly. You are not to do any work; wherever you live, it is a sabbath to the Lord. – Leviticus 23:3 (NIV)

There comes a place in your journey with God that you reach when you realize that sometimes, it’s up to God. It’s up to you to do your part, but a lot of the effort comes from God. And for some of us (myself) that’s hard. It’s hard to trust that God is working and that I can simply rest.

The sabbath that God is talking about in Leviticus is an example of that. Through the sabbath, we see that God has set up a time for us to rest and trust Him. Yes, we can do a lot on our own, but sometimes, there’s power in simply resting and trusting God to do the work for us.

This is especially true when it comes to what Jesus has done for us. There is nothing left for us to do, but to rest in the finished work of Christ. And yes, it would be easier to do something. That’s our human nature, wanting to do something. However, we will really find power in rest.

So if you haven’t before examine your life. Are there areas that God is calling you to rest? To rely on Him and stop working so hard? If so, decide to make any changes necessary to relax, rest and enjoy watching God work on your behalf.

Today’s Truth: I can rest, knowing God is working on my behalf.


Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 118:23

I don’t know about you, but I sure have those days when I get discouraged. Sometimes, it feels like nothing is going right. Perhaps you feel like nothing you do is moving you forward toward your destiny, and you feel discouraged. If you feel like that, check out today’s Bible verse from Psalm 118:23.

the LORD has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. – Psalm 118:23 (NIV)

Sometimes, in the mundaneness of life, it’s easy to wonder if God is really moving. Yet He is. Even when we don’t feel like we’re doing anything BIG for God. In those times when we feel like we’re trying, but nothing is working, and no one notices our stand for God, we have to keep ourselves encouraged.


Knowing that one day, we will stand back, look at our lives, and say, look at this. It is all the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. Even though we can’t often see progress when we’re moving slowly forward one day at a time, progress is being made.

One day, if you keep saying yes to God, you’ll look back at your life and be able to see the progress that was made. For example, look at the life of George Muller. George built a ministry helping orphans and overseas missionaries. And yet, the day he opened his orphanage, not one child showed up. He could have gotten discouraged and given up. Yet He didn’t.

George kept saying yes to Jesus, and as a result, one day he looked back at his life, he helped around 10,000 orphans and gave lots of money to missions work around the world. George could say, it was all the Lord’s doing. And it was marvelous in his eyes.

The same is true for you. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see big things in your life yet. Keep following after God. Do what He tells you to do daily, even if it’s a small thing. One day you’ll look back on your life and see that God has moved greatly on your behalf.

Today’s Truth: Don’t give up. Little steps lead to big things for God.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Romans 4:25

Romans 4:25 – “Jesus was delivered up because of our offenses and was raised because of our justification.”

An “X-ray” gives you the ability to see things that you cannot see just from outward observance. As you read this verse, it’s as if you can see the “X-ray” of what was happening when Jesus died and rose from the dead. From the outside, it looked like there was only one death and resurrection, when in the realm of the Spirit, from God’s viewpoint or His “X-ray”, we were the only reason it took place. It was because of our offenses and ….because of our justification.

To really understand the reason that Jesus came to this earth, died on a cross, was buried in the heart of the earth for three days and nights, and on the third day rose up from the grave victorious, you have to get the words “Because of our…” in your Gospel vocabulary.

Jesus did not die on the cross because of any sin He had committed. In fact, the Bible clearly tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:21 that Jesus was made to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. Jesus was made sin FOR US. He did not commit any sin, He became our sin.

What He did on the cross was BECAUSE OF our offenses, not His. Jesus literally “paid our bill” for us. We were bankrupt. He had the wealth of Heaven. He took our debt of sin and paid it with His Gift of Life.

The next time you see Jesus hanging on a cross, think to yourself; “That was for me”. Jesus on the cross was the eternal payment of my sin. There is now nothing separating me from God. In Fact, 2 Corinthians 5:19 tells us that God was working in Christ restoring the world to Himself, not holding our sins against us, but wiping them out! Then go from the cross to the empty grave and see the resurrection victory of Jesus as yours also. His death for you led to His resurrection victory FOR YOU.

Today’s Truth: The Biggest Thing That Has Ever Been Done Was Done By GOD FOR YOU!

Today’s Devotion was written by Lois Taucher. If you enjoyed reading it, and can’t get enough, you can purchase her book, Called Together on Amazon.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Colossians 3:1

Teen Devotion - Look for OpportunityTherefore, since you have been raised with Christ, strive for the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. – Colossians 3:1 (BSB)

God hasn’t called you to live just for yourself. Rather, God has called you to be a blessing to others. God wants you to use your gifts and talents to point others to Him.

So if you’re good at music, begin to look for ways to use that gift to show others Jesus. If you’re good at baking, make cupcakes, sell them and use the money to give to missions. Don’t let your life be simply about yourself. Instead, look for an opportunity to be a blessing to others.

Today’s Challenge Be Looking For Opportunity

You might not feel like you have anything to give. Perhaps you feel like you’re going through something really hard and can’t help someone else. Don’t let those things be excuses.

Instead, purpose each day to look to opportunities. All around you, there are people who are hurting. You can take two minutes out of your day and pray for someone. God has placed opportunities all around you.

Determine today to refocus and see the opportunities around you. As you begin to look for them, you’ll be surprised how many exist. Pick one and act on it today. See God do something great through you!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Proverbs 25:28

A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls. – Proverbs 25:28 (NLT)

What do you think of when you think of self-control? For most of us, it’s a pretty boring topic. Who really likes the idea of controlling yourself and saying no to all the fun things in life?

It’s more fun to lose your temper. To get upset and to yell at your mom when you’re really mad. It’s more fun to eat all the chips you want and watch TV until 3AM.

The problem is, when we lack self-control it can tear our lives down. Self control is important to have because without it we can destroy relationships. We can tear down trust. If we don’t learn to control our actions and words, in the long run it can lead us in a bad direction.

That’s why the Bible tells us about self-control. It’s not because God’s trying to stop us from having fun. Rather, it’s because God wants good things for our lives. He doesn’t want our relationships destroyed. He doesn’t want us doing things we will later regret and pay for in life.

So today, ask yourself if there are areas where you need to develop greater self-control. If you’re prone to lose your temper and say unkind things, ask God for helpful ideas on how you can control yourself. Developing self-control is one of the greatest things you can do for you and for your future.