Romans 4:25 – “Jesus was delivered up because of our offenses and was raised because of our justification.”
An “X-ray” gives you the ability to see things that you cannot see just from outward observance. As you read this verse, it’s as if you can see the “X-ray” of what was happening when Jesus died and rose from the dead. From the outside, it looked like there was only one death and resurrection, when in the realm of the Spirit, from God’s viewpoint or His “X-ray”, we were the only reason it took place. It was because of our offenses and ….because of our justification.
To really understand the reason that Jesus came to this earth, died on a cross, was buried in the heart of the earth for three days and nights, and on the third day rose up from the grave victorious, you have to get the words “Because of our…” in your Gospel vocabulary.
Jesus did not die on the cross because of any sin He had committed. In fact, the Bible clearly tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:21 that Jesus was made to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. Jesus was made sin FOR US. He did not commit any sin, He became our sin.
What He did on the cross was BECAUSE OF our offenses, not His. Jesus literally “paid our bill” for us. We were bankrupt. He had the wealth of Heaven. He took our debt of sin and paid it with His Gift of Life.
The next time you see Jesus hanging on a cross, think to yourself; “That was for me”. Jesus on the cross was the eternal payment of my sin. There is now nothing separating me from God. In Fact, 2 Corinthians 5:19 tells us that God was working in Christ restoring the world to Himself, not holding our sins against us, but wiping them out! Then go from the cross to the empty grave and see the resurrection victory of Jesus as yours also. His death for you led to His resurrection victory FOR YOU.
Today’s Truth: The Biggest Thing That Has Ever Been Done Was Done By GOD FOR YOU!

Today’s Devotion was written by Lois Taucher. If you enjoyed reading it, and can’t get enough, you can purchase her book, Called Together on Amazon.