In yesterday’s devotion, we talked about how Jesus was addressing the Jewish leaders and showing them the evidences that He is indeed God. We saw how John testified to who He was. It would be difficult to get someone to say you were God if you weren’t. And John said He was. Let’s look at what Jesus presented to them next.
“I have testimony weightier than that of John. For the works that the Father has given me to finish—the very works that I am doing—testify that the Father has sent me. – John 5:36 (NIV)
Next Jesus talked about the works He did. Of course Jesus could have gotten John to lie somehow and say that He was God. But the works and the miracles that Jesus did would be hard to forge. How could He heal the sick, raise the dead, forgive sins, and do all the works that He did without being God?
The most likely explanation for both the miracles Jesus did and the testimony of John, would be that He was indeed the Christ.
But the good thing is, Jesus didn’t just give us two pieces of evidence for who He is, He gave us even more. Let’s look tomorrow at the next piece of evidence He brings us in John 5.