Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Romans 5:11

So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God. – Romans 5:11 (NLT)

Friends are great! They’re there for you when you’re down, they listen like no one else will, and they seem to always have your back in hard times. As great as your friends are, there will be times when they’ll let you down. They might not say or do the things that you wanted them to. However, there’s a friend that will never let you down, God.

The great thing about a friendship with God is that its forever. God will never leave you, let you down, or forget about you. God paid a huge price to be able to have a friendship with you. He gave His son Jesus to die in our place, and now we have the right to be called a friend of God.

Today’s Truth: God will never leave you, let you down, or forget about you.

Today remember that you’ve got an awesome friend in God. He’ll never give up on you or let you down! Be sure to thank Jesus for making us able to be friends of God.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 91:9-10

If you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. – Psalm 91:9-10

We don’t have to be afraid of harm all day long! In today’s Bible verse we see that we don’t have to fear plagues and disease. This verse shows us that if we trust God, and make Him our refuge, our safe place and shelter that no plague will come near our home.

This is good news! We don’t have to fear plagues and disease. God tells us He will keep us safe from these things too! We can relax, breathe a sign of relief just knowing that we can put our trust in God. He will keep us from harm and danger.

Choose to make God your refuge. Bring your fears, worries and concerns to Him, knowing that he is always ready to help you and protect you!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 Corinthians 15:58

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. – 1 Corinthians 15:58 (NLT)

Sometimes it can be really hard to do your best. Maybe you have a teacher at school who never gives out grades that you feel are fair, so you want to stop even trying. Or perhaps you’ve got a boss at work who never seems to notice how hard of a worker you are and you’re frustrated.

It can be really easy in life to let what others think and say discourage us from doing our best at school or a job. However, we shouldn’t be letting other people have the final say in how hard we work.

We should be doing all things for God. So regardless of whether your boss or teachers notice, you should always be doing your best. God notices and he will reward you in time. So challenge yourself to do your best in everything you tackle each day. Take pride in working hard and you’ll be excited to see how far that attitude takes you.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 16:33

Teen Devotion on peace

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33 (NLT)

I remember a time when it felt like I couldn’t go on. I felt like no one liked me or understood what I was going through. I struggled with thoughts of suicide and self-harm. I didn’t know what to do or where to turn. In the midst of my struggle, I found one thing that brought me peace, which was Jesus.

Jesus understood me when no one else did. Jesus listened when it felt like no one else would. In the midst of the trials and sorrows of life, Jesus was my peace.

The great thing about Jesus is that He wants to do that for you too. Jesus wants to be your peace for what you’re going through. Even when it seems like everything that could go wrong has, you can still be at peace. Trusting Jesus and placing your hope in Him is what can bring you the peace you long for. Looking for love, acceptance, or joy in any other place will always fall short.

So today, challenge yourself to find your peace in Jesus. Let Jesus bring you the peace you need. Spend time with Him, reading the Bible, and finding out who He is. As you read the word and talk to God about your situation you’ll be surprised at the peace that comes into your life.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 16:33

Teen Devotion and Bible Verse

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33 (NLT)

Life can bring many reasons to feel stressed out. Perhaps your parents are fighting. Or you’re changing schools for the upcoming school year and you wonder how you’ll do and whether you’ll make any friends.

It’s easy in times like these to begin to feel stress. When things are uncertain and it can cause a lot of fear and anxiety in our lives.

If we’re honest, when we look deep, fear is often at the root of our stress. We fear for the future. Not knowing what to expect in the future brings us all anxiety.

However, the Bible has our solution to fear. It’s simply trusting in Jesus. If we will let Him, Jesus will supply everything we need. We just have to trust in Him.

Putting your trust in Jesus when everything seems crazy right now can be really hard. But the truth is that Jesus has provided us with everything we need. All through the Bible, God has always come through for His people. You are not the exception. God will provide you everything you need.

So today, choose to rest in Jesus. Let Him bring you the peace you need!

Daily Devotion and Bible Verse – Proverbs 8:7

Speak Truth

My mouth speaks what is true, for my lips detest wickedness. – Proverbs 8:7 (NIV)

I always hated getting in trouble as a kid. I never wanted to do the wrong thing, but when I did, I’d often stretch the truth a bit to get out of trouble. Perhaps I’d say I didn’t know or understand the rules when I did, hoping to avoid punishment.

God’s word really brought light to me when I began reading this verse. It challenged me to always speak what is true.

If I was stretching the truth a bit to get out of trouble, I was really lying. I determined to do a better job of speaking truth.

Speaking truth isn’t easy, especially when it’s easier to lie and avoid punishment. However, in the long run, choosing to speak the truth will set you up for success.

When you’re known as a person who is truthful and honest, people will be able to depend and count on you. That’s what you want. You want to be a person that others can count on and a person who is showing others what Jesus really looks like.

Today, challenge yourself to speak truth at all costs. Even if it means getting into trouble.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Proverbs 6:20

Teen Devotion Proverbs 6:20

My son, keep your father’s command and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. – Proverbs 6:20

Parents can be embarrassing, weird, and sometimes hard to get. I remember always struggling with embarrassment from the things my parents did. I wished at times I wasn’t related to them and that they’d just leave me alone and let me do my own thing.

However, the Bible verse today says that we are to keep our father’s commands and not to forsake our mother’s teaching. It can be easy to want to forsake what our parents taught us in the face of peer pressure, and it can be easy to want to ignore what our parents tell us to do and the limits that they set.

However, God put our parents in our lives for a purpose. He wants us to listen to the wisdom that they offer and to hear what they have to say. Often, your parents can give you the input you need to make a good decision and save you from heartache.

Our part is to be humble enough to receive what they have to say. They aren’t perfect and they’re going to do things that are going to drive you crazy and that you don’t agree with, but they are put in your life for a purpose. So be willing to learn what you can from them and get their input. In the long run, you’ll be glad that you made the decision to honor your parents.

Daily Devotion and Bible Verse – Hebrews 12:2

Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation. – Hebrews 11:2 (NLT)

Have you ever secretly wished to be famous? Maybe you wished you had all the riches that follow fame and could buy anything you ever wanted. Or maybe you just like the idea of everyone knowing who you are and listening to what you have to say. Regardless of the reason, fame can be appealing. And while you might not reach superstardom in your lifetime, there is something similar that you can achieve.

The Bible talks in Hebrews 11 about all the great things that the people in the Old Testament did by faith. These guys trusted God and believed that what God said would come to pass. They weren’t swayed by feelings and emotions, but rather held on tight to the things that God had promised them.

Today’s Truth: Trust God and hold on tight to the things He has promised you!

So while it might be unlikely that you will become famous, you can be noticed in heaven by your faith. When you trust God and the things that he’s spoken to you, you can have earn a good reputation just like the people in the Old Testament did when they trusted God.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 2 Timothy 3:16

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: – 2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV)

Are there parts of the Bible that are hard to believe? Maybe you wonder about some of the crazy stories in the Old Testament. It can make you think, maybe God didn’t really do the things described there.

Perhaps you read verses that talk about your value to God, but you have a hard time believing that God really loves you as the Bible describes.

When you read the Bible, you’ve got to believe that it is true. Every word of it. Even if your mind can’t understand the fact that God loves you, you’ve got to determine in your heart that if it’s in the Bible, it’s true.

That’s important because unbelief in any area of God’s word will impact your relationship with God. You’ve got to read the word, act like it’s true regardless of what you see and what you experience.

So today, read your Bible. As you do, realize that everything that is in there is true. It applies to your life and it’s powerful. Don’t pull back from the truths found in there. They have power to change your life.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 37:4

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 (NIV)

This verse has often been misunderstood. Many have thought that if they delight themselves in the Lord, every desire they’ve ever had would come to pass. However, this is not what this verse is saying. This is saying that when you delight yourself in the Lord, the things you desire begin to change. God begins to give you new desires.

The great news about getting desires from God is that you know those desires already are something He desires for you. If He gave the desire, He also wills for you to pursue it.

Just like anything, you need to test your desires to see if they are of God. The only way to know what God’s will of something is, is by seeing if it agrees with what the Bible already says on the subject. You might have a desire to go steal something, but you can see in the Bible that it says, “Thou shalt not steal…”. This makes this obvious that it’s not God’s will. However, if a desire is something that lines up with the Bible and the desire came as a result of truly delighting yourself in the Lord, you can trust that it’s a desire from Him. If the more you continue to delight yourself in God and the desire gets stronger, you can begin stepping out in confidence and head in that direction because you know that desire is from God.

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