Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 15:4

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. – John 15:4 (NIV)

We’re busy. Life is busy. You’ve got school, you’ve got family responsibility, friends to talk to, the list goes on. And in the midst of all that, Jesus tell us to remain in Him. And that might feel a little difficult for you to know how to do. How do you spend time with Jesus when life is busy?

For many of us, it’s a matter of priority. We can make time for the things that are important to us. You can squeeze a little time for friends, or some time to talk to your mom. The same is true with your relationship with Jesus. More than likely, you can find somewhere to squeeze Jesus into your daily routine. It might be that you need to pray and ask God how to do it. But if you look, you can probably find some time to remain in Jesus.

Maybe before you fall asleep each night you can talk to Him. Then when you are getting dressed or freshening up for the morning, maybe you can think about a scripture that you like, instead of talking to a friend or watching TV. Maybe you ride the bus or have a car ride during your day. You could use that time to spend reading your Bible. If you make it a priority, you can find time to remain in Jesus during the day.

Why should you do this? Because remaining in Him will be the thing that will fulfill you like nothing else. As you remain in Him, you get wisdom, insight and understanding. Remaining in Jesus shouldn’t feel like a chore. Instead, if you’ll let it, it can be an exciting adventure of learning more about God.

So today, ask God to help you prioritize your time so that you can remain in Him. You’ll be glad that you put the effort in to remain in Him.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 15:3

You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. – John 15:3 (NIV)

Today’s verse is a little different. You have to think a little bit about what it means and how it applies to your life. It says the words that Jesus spoke made the disciples clean. What were those words? The sum of all those words is what we refer to as the gospel.

So this verse is telling us that the gospel makes us clean. Why? Because when we put our trust in the work of Jesus, in the gospel and the words He has spoken to us, we’re made clean from all sin.

Its sort of like when your parents know the right people. In my life, I can remember a time when my dad knew a person who worked at a restaurant. Every time we went into the restaurant, the worker gave us coupons for free sandwiches and things the restaurant sold. That meant the next time we visited we got food for free. It was great!

Did I get those coupons because of something I did? No, my family got them because of who my dad knew and what family I was a part of. The same is true with us being clean from sin. We didn’t do anything to deserve God’s forgiveness. But rather by faith we became part of God’s family. As a result, we got benefits (salvation, cleansing from sin) that we didn’t deserve.

So today, encourage yourself to remember how good God is. Know that you are cleansed, but not because of anything you’ve done, rather because of what you put your faith in.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 15:2

“I am a true sprouting vine, and the farmer who tends the vine is my Father. He cares for the branches connected to me by lifting and propping up the fruitless branches and pruning every fruitful branch to yield a greater harvest. – John 15:2 (TPT)

Jesus again in this verse tells us that He is the vine. God is the gardener. As the gardener, He cares for us. God is watching over us. He is helping us, tending us, and helping us grow.

Often, we are mindful of only bearing fruit for God. And while that is important, this verse also shows us how much God loves us. God cares so much for us, that He helps us in our weakness. When we’re weak and unfruitful, God lifts us up. He helps us become more fruitful for Him.

You might feel like you haven’t been doing a good job for God. You might feel like you mess up a lot. And when you do, remember today’s verse. God responds to you with love. He loves you so much, and wants to prop you up and encourage you today.

This year, make it a goal to get closer to God. As you do, you’ll see that He wants to prop you up, lift you up, and help you to grow stronger in Him. Don’t be discouraged, instead stay encouraged that God loves you and wants to see you grow.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 15:1

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. – John 15:1 (NIV)

As we start the new year, we often begin to think of resolutions. We want to read our Bible more, we want to eat better, have better habits and do better in the New Year. And it’s great to make goals and resolutions. However, we don’t want to forget what today’s verse says.

It’s talking about how God the father is the gardener. When I think about a gardener, I think of someone who wants to encourage their garden to grow. They plant the seeds and then encourage the plants to grow. They water the plants, they help the plants that are hurting or not doing well. They lift up the plants that are weak and not getting water. Why? Because the gardener wants to see growth in the plants.

The gardener doesn’t beat up the plants for not growing. He doesn’t tell them they’re doing bad. Instead, he encourages growth.

Today’s Truth: God encourages growth in our lives.

God is the same way. When we’re struggling, He wants to help hold us up so that we can grow in Him better. So this year, remember that you have God the gardener on your side. His goal is to help you grow and mature in Him. Stay close to Him and ask Him to help you grow stronger in Him this year.

Pray: God, thank you for being the gardener in my life. Thanks for loving me and not beating me up, but rather encouraging me to grow. Help me to grow in you this year. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 14:6

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. – John 14:6 (NIV)

Yesterday we talked about how Jesus is the true vine. When we join our lives to Him, then we find true happiness and success. Our meaning and our purpose for life is found in Jesus. Often it’s easy to think that the meaning of life is success or fame. However, the Bible turns that idea on it’s head. The Bible teaches us that the meaning of life is really about knowing Jesus.

Jesus is the way to the father. Jesus is the only way to the Father God. So we should be putting our energy in life into knowing Him and knowing the Father. Those are the things that last eternally, and the things that will ultimately fulfill us in the end.

So take a moment today and ask yourself what kinds of things are you pursing? Success, fame, money, and those types of things won’t bring you to the Father. Jesus is the only way. So pursue Him. And as you do, the other things will line up in your life.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 15:1

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. – John 15:1 (NIV)

When I go biking along the trail near my house, there’s a lot of greenery growing. As I ride I can see ivy and vines going up the trees near the trail. And honestly, I’ve never really given any thought to vines and how they grow. Today’s verse, however, really got me thinking about vines. Why?

Because Jesus refers to himself as the true vine. If He is the true vine, maybe that means that there are fake vines too.

So what would a fake vine be? I think it’s anything we can connect our lives to that isn’t Jesus. Sports could be a fake vine. Money, success, fame could all be fake vines. But Jesus refers to Himself as the true vine. Fake vines might supply fun and excitement for awhile, but eventually connection with a fake vine will come up short.

Jesus is the true vine. He will always be there, supplying you with what you need to do what He calls you to do. Jesus will always be there and will keep you growing strong in Him. It’s in Jesus that you’ll find the contentment that you truly long for. When you sell out to the true vine, you find freedom.

So as you get ready to go into the new year, take some time to think. Have you connected your life to a fake vine? Have you allowed something else to take the place of the true vine, Jesus in your life? If so, it’s easy to make the change. Just determine to make Jesus the priority in your life. As you do, all the other stuff will fall into place.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 14:27

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid – John 14:27

Have you ever had one of those really crazy stressful days? Maybe everything is not going the way you want or you have too much to do and too little time. Whatever it is that stresses you out, it’s good to remind yourself in stressful times that you can go to God for peace.

Jesus said in today’s verse that He left us peace. What does that really mean? Here are a few definitions from Merriam-Webster.com for peace.

  • A state of tranquility or quiet
  • Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions
  • Harmony in personal relations

God’s peace covers many of the things that bug us. Whether it’s oppressive thoughts, emotions, bad relationships, or just the stresses of life, Jesus said that He gave us peace.

However, just like any gift you get, however, it’s up to you to use it. If you got a new pair of shoes for Christmas, but you never took them out of the box and used them, they wouldn’t do you any good. The gift of peace is the same way. You’ve got to open it up and use it in stressful times and situations. Take a moment today and choose to tap into God’s peace. Give Him the things that are stressing you out and choose to walk in His peace today!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 1:14

So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son. – John 1:14

Think about your school’s lunch room for a moment. In that room, is there a group of students that are more popular than the others? Is there a table that you just wish you could eat at? Or a group of students that won’t talk to you because you’re less popular than they are?

Jesus could have done what many popular people do. He could have only hung out with those who were as popular as He was. Instead, he did something different. Today’s Bible verse says that he became human and made his home among us. He was full of love and faithfulness.

It sounds like Jesus didn’t have an exclusive lunch table or friends. Instead, He made himself at home with us. He showed many people love and kindness who had never experienced it before. Jesus’ actions should make us so thankful that He chose to show us love and faithfulness. He didn’t ignore us, or hang out with the people who had it all together. Instead He poured His love out so that we could get to know the Father.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 8:12

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion for Teens on John 8Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” – John 8:12 (NLT)

Have you noticed how bad it seems like our world is? The news tells us about kids being abducted. People are killing each other. Others are fighting for freedom and justice. In the middle of all this, it can be easy to feel like our world is dark.

However, Jesus came into our world to bring us light.

Today’s Truth: Jesus Came To Bring You Light

Teen Daily Devotion on Jesus being our lightEven when it feels like everything is hopeless, Jesus says He came to be light. When your situation seems dark, Jesus is there.

So regardless of how dark it may seem around you, know that you have light in Jesus. And you can be a light to others this Christmas season.

So spend some time today asking Jesus how you can be light to those around you. Maybe you can encourage a friend. Perhaps you can give a gift to your neighbor. Whatever it is, God can use you to be light to others in your world today.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Luke 1:38

Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” And then the angel left her. – Luke 1:38 (NLT)

Mary was put into a difficult situation. She was ready to get married to a man, but then she was visited by an angel and told that she was going to have a child. And instead of saying she’d pray about it, or talk to Joseph about it, Mary just simply says, “May everything you have said about me come true”.

What an amazing thing to say. She knew that obeying God would mean that she might lose out on getting married since the baby wasn’t Joseph’s. Also, it’s possible that she may have lost friends and family when they found out that she was having a child. I’m sure all these things were running through Mary’s mind. However, she didn’t give voice to them. Instead, she simply said let it come true.

What would our lives look like if we responded to God the way Mary did? Can you imagine what things would be like if we were so sensitive to God’s voice that we obeyed whatever He asked of us?

The truth is, Mary must have had a lot of faith in God. She must have had a solid foundation in the goodness of God and trusted that saying yes to God would mean that she would be taken care of even if her family and friends didn’t stay with her. She stepped out in faith and trusted God and saw great things come to pass in her life.

And the same is true for you. If God is calling you to something, He will take care of it. You don’t have to be afraid, or worry. God will handle it and bring it to pass in your life. So today, trust God. Obey what God asks you to do, and like Mary, you’ll see God move in mighty ways in your life.