Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 John 4:18

There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love. – 1 John 4:18 (Message)

Fear. It’s something we all deal with from time to time. The crazy thing about fear is that it hits each of us differently. Some are afraid of the dark, others fear small spaces, while others fear speaking in front of people or being alone. There are lots of different varieties of fear, but the thing that all fears have in common is that they stop us.

Fear stops you from doing more, saying more, and being more. It holds you back and if left unchecked, fear will keep you from doing the things that God is calling you to do. So, how do you go about curbing the fears that hold you back?

A great way to do that is to begin to focus on God’s love. Today’s Bible verse shows us that love banishes fear. That means that the more we focus on the fact that God loves us, and that He’s provided everything we could ever need to do what He’s called us to, the more we realize that fear doesn’t have a hold on us any longer. Fear can’t be effective in our lives if we’re so focused on God’s love for us. God’s love drives out all fear. It shows us that God will take care of us in every situation and every circumstance.

So if you’re struggling with fear today, take some time to begin to think on God’s love. Find scriptures in the Bible that tell you how loved you are and stories that show you how God came through for those who loved Him. As you focus on these things, fear will have to leave your life!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Hebrews 12:1

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. – Hebrews 12:1 (NLT)

Have you noticed that often when you look at what others are doing you get discouraged? You might be comparing your summer vacation plans to another person’s and feel like you’re not doing anything great on your summer break. Or perhaps you just feel like you don’t measure up to those people around you. If you spend all your time comparing yourself to others you won’t be able to accomplish the race that God has for you.

The race that God has for you to run will look different for you than it looks for others. If you’re going to make it to the finish line you’ll have to draw close to God and lay aside the things that try to trip you up, like comparing yourself to others.

Challenge yourself to run with endurance today. Don’t give up when it looks like others are doing better things or getting promoted faster than you. Stay the course and be encouraged knowing that others are in heaven cheering you on.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 Kings 17:9

Go at once to Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there. I have directed a widow there to supply you with food. – 1 Kings 17:9 (NIV)

We see Elijah again in a weird situation where he has to trust God. He had been fed by ravens, now the brook he had been drinking from had dried up.

Do you ever feel like Elijah must have in this moment? That all your options have dried up? Maybe you feel hopeless, like there’s no way out. I’m sure that could have been how Elijah felt. What he had known and what had been sustaining him was gone. What was he to do?

The good news is that God already saw ahead and had a plan. There was a widow in Zarephath that was going to help him out. Elijah just had to trust God and obey what God asked him to do. As he did, the supply for what he needed was there.

The same is true for you in your life. God loves you. He has a supply for you in whatever area you need it. Just trust Him, listen to His leading, and know that He will bring you through in victory in the end.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 Kings 17:3

Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. – 1 Kings 17:3 (NIV)

How would you feel if God asked you to do something that seemed crazy? Maybe he asked you to go to a college far away from home, where you knew no one, and everything was unfamiliar. That would be tough, wouldn’t it?

Sometimes, God asks us to do something that doesn’t seem easy. And when we’re in the middle of what He asks us to do, it can feel difficult because we can’t see how it’s going to work out for good. But here’s the truth. Everything God calls you to, is for good.

Yes, you will have times that aren’t easy, and you’ll face challenges along the way. But the truth is, if you keep trusting in God, just like Elijah, the provision you need will be there. When Elijah got to the new place God led him to, there was food there.

So whatever God is prompting you in your heart, know that his supply is there for you. You simply have to get to where He’s calling you, and He takes care of the rest.

Today, be encouraged. If God has called you to something, He will supply you, He will make it good, and bring you what you need.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Romans 5:1

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion On Romans 5:1

Our faith in Jesus transfers God’s righteousness to us and he now declares us flawless in his eyes. This means we can now enjoy true and lasting peace with God, all because of what our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, has done for us – Romans 5:1 (TPT)

You’re probably a week or two into your summer vacation. Maybe things aren’t just going the way you wanted. Perhaps all your friends went on a school trip and you’re stuck at home babysitting your brother. Yuck!

It can be really easy to lose focus when things aren’t going the way you want them to. You can begin to forget how blessed you really are. So even if your summer vacation isn’t turning out the way you dreamed, you can be encouraged by today’s Bible verse.

Today’s verse tells us that our faith transferred God’s righteousness to us. That means that you are righteous. You’re not trying, hoping or wishing to get righteous. In God’s eyes, you are righteous and flawless. That’s good news! The sin that had once separated you from God no longer has a hold on you.

That truth gives you peace. You might not be excited about your current circumstances, but you can be at peace. You can know that at the end of the day you have value and worth because of what Jesus did. There’s no longer anything holding you back. So today, practice joy in your life. Live at peace because Jesus made you flawless in God’s eyes!


Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Hebrews 12:2

We look away from the natural realm and we fasten our gaze onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection.  – Hebrews 12:2 (a) TPT

One time I was driving and I dropped my phone. I thought it would be easy to just quickly reach down and grab it. However, my phone had bounced and flipped its way under my seat. I could feel it, but I just couldn’t seem to dislodge it. I took a break and reached under the seat again and gave it a good tug. My phone came flying up from whatever was holding it. However, in the time I had spent with my head down getting my phone, my car was no longer on the smooth road. I had begun to drive in the gravel next to the road and was sort of fishtailing a bit out of control.

Thankfully, I wasn’t hurt. It was a good wake up call for me though. I realized that it really did matter where I was looking at when I was driving. That’s a lot like what today’s Bible verse is challenging us to do. It tells us to look away from the natural realm and fasten our gaze on Jesus.

The Bible tells us this because God knows how important it is for us to focus our attention on Jesus. In the world we live in today, it’s so easy to let Jesus fall out of focus. We have so many things that try to drag our attention off of Him. However, if we’re to keep our relationship with Jesus strong and exciting, we’ve got to take our eyes off all the distractions and focus on Jesus.

Today challenge yourself to spend more time focusing on Jesus. Don’t get distracted by all the other things trying to get your attention. Rather focus on Jesus and let Him lead your life.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Hebrews 3:4

For every house has a builder, but the one who built everything is God. – Hebrews 3:4 (NLT)

Have you ever walked down the street and looked at all the houses or buildings and thought those buildings were not built by someone? The foundation, walls, and roof didn’t just show up one day. No, someone put some thought and some effort into building them.

In the same way, God built everything we see in the world around us. Maybe not the buildings, but the plants, the animals, the sky, and people. God built them all.

Knowing that you are created by a intelligent, wise and loving God changes everything. It means that even if you don’t like yourself, even if people don’t treat you right, God built you. That means that you have value and that you’re important to God.

So, even if you feel that you lack confidence in your abilities, when you know that you’ve been created by God it changes things. You can build confidence in a creator God that loves you, and let His confidence in you become your confidence.

Today’s Truth: Even when you don’t have confidence in yourself, your creator has confidence in you.

Your creator, God made you for a purpose. He loves you and places His confidence in you. So today, choose to see yourself as God sees you. Realize that you’re not an accident. He made you on purpose to do good things!

Healthy Self-Esteem Devotional Icon

If you struggle with a lack of confidence, check out our awesome new teen devotion, Every Teenager’s Guide to a Healthy Self-esteem. It’s packed with scriptures to encourage you to see yourself as God sees you, and to walk in the freedom He provided for you!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 Corinthians 3:3

for you are still controlled by your sinful nature. You are jealous of one another and quarrel with each other. Doesn’t that prove you are controlled by your sinful nature? Aren’t you living like people of the world? – 1 Corinthians 3:3

I remember a time I got really jealous of a friend. This friend always was the one that everyone liked. She had such a great personality. It seemed like everyone liked her and simply ignored me. I often felt myself growing jealous of her. It seemed like she had everything going for her, and I was unliked and ignored.

I struggled often with thoughts of depression. I knew God loved me, but it felt like He was the only one who did. And that hurt. I wanted people to like me too.

Maybe you’ve felt the same way. Perhaps you’ve wished that you were liked better by others or had more friends. It’s easy to let jealousy steal your joy and make you hate life.

Jealousy is not a good thing. When you let it rule in your life, you are really letting your sinful nature control you. That’s not good or God’s best for your life. Jealousy if left unchecked will lead you to do bad things. So today, if there’s areas in your life you’ve allowed jealousy in, decide to give those to God. Let go of the hurt, and let God’s peace rule in your heart. You’ll be glad you did because you’ll experience more peace in God.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Matthew 11:30

Matthew 11:30

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:30 (NIV)

Do you like doing things the easy way? I remember a time when I was shown an easier way to add. When I understood this way of combining numbers to make adding easier, it changed everything. I was able to do simple math in my head quickly.

In life, there’s a way for us to make things easier. It’s following after Jesus. By following Jesus, we avoid much of the heartache the world has. The world will try to pursue things that don’t really satisfy. However, if we chase after Jesus and pursue His interests, our life gets easier.

That doesn’t mean that we’re free from problems, but it does mean that we can go through problems with hope because we know our creator cares for us. Our creator made us and wants good things for us. So today, choose to join up with Jesus.

He wants to help make your life easier and His burden is light. So today, if you’ve not chosen to follow Jesus with your whole heart, make that decision. Follow after Jesus completely. It’s the best decision you can make.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Proverbs 14:30

A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. – Proverbs 14:30 (NIV)

I remember a time when I really wished I had a boyfriend. I wanted one more than anything else in the world. All my friends had one, and it felt like I was the only person in the world without a significant other. I began to be upset with my friends because I was so jealous of their relationships. My envy made me unhappy and upset almost all the time.

Today’s Bible verse talks about envy. It says that it rots the bones. That was certainly true in my life. My jealousy toward friends made me unhappy every waking moment. I became withdrawn and very sad. I realized in the long run that being envious never makes you happy.

Instead of being jealous of others, choose today to live at peace. Let yourself be happy regardless of your situation or circumstances. If you don’t have a relationship, choose to be content. Spend that time of singleness getting to know God better. Look for the good things about your situation. Yes, you might not be in a relationship, but you do have time now to focus on your relationship with God. So get to know Him and get excited about what He’s speaking into your life.