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No One Likes Eating by Themselves

Youth and Teen Devotion

Have you ever gone to meet people at a restaurant and you ended up getting there before anyone else arrived? Or even worse, have you ever had to eat somewhere completely by yourself? It sure isn’t fun.

There’s a story in the Bible where God invited tons of people to have supper with Him in Luke 14. This story shows us that God paid a huge price for us to be with Him and invite others to come too.

You might have been saved for a long time. You might now have christian friends and hang out at places where others share similar values as you. In one sense, that is great. It’s nice to have wholesome places where you can be yourself as a christian and not be nervous to talk about God. But in another sense you can become isolated from others who still need to know God. Its easy to get so comfortable hanging out with others who love God that you forget there are people all around your city who are hungry for Jesus, they just haven’t had a chance to hear about Him.

That’s what this story about the supper is all about. There was an invitation to come to the great supper but many who were invited made excuses to not come. Some of the excuses were buying land, having oxen, and getting married. Today’s excuses might be, I’ve got a new video game to play, or a new girlfriend to hang out with, or that I’m too busy learning lines for the school play. There is nothing wrong with any of those things, except when those things get in the way of doing what God asks.

You might feel like your friends that don’t know God could care less about Him. And while that might be true for some, most of your friends are hungry for God. They’re just hiding it underneath a lot of hurt. Your friends are hungry for God and if you asked them to go to church with you, they’d probably say yes.

To step out and ask a friend to go with you to church is not comfortable. However, it might be their chance to hear about Jesus for the first time. Your flesh (emotions and often how you feel) doesn’t want to step outside of your safety net of christian friends. But, if you are born again and know Jesus as Your Savior, you have another part of you (your Spirit). This new part of you does care about others who do not know God. It wants to be bold and often is nudging you on the inside to step out and do things to help others experience Gods love.

Make the decision to be open to be used by God. Invite people who do not know Jesus into your life. You might not know how God will do it, or you might not know what to say but the first step is simply being willing. Then the second step is to simply pray that God would help you step out. He might put a specific person on your heart. You might not think they are hungry by the way they act but God knows. If He put them on your heart, you know if you step out that something special will happen.

Right now if you are willing and ready to reach out to the unsaved hurting hungry people around you, pray this: “God, I’m thankful for the things You’ve done in my life. I know that You also love others around me that have never heard or experienced You like I have. God, show me who those are around me that are hungry for you and give me the courage to invite them into my life. Give me the courage to invite them to my church. God, I believe that you will use me. Amen.”

Similar Teen Devotions

What Legos Teach About Worship

Youth Devotion about Worship

Playing with Lego as a little kid was always one of my favorite things to do. I loved to build anything I could get my hands on. I liked building houses, towns, cars and pretty much anything else I could dream up.

I remember one year at Christmas, I got a new Lego set. It was a train station, and I just loved building it. I opened up the instruction booklet that came with the set and began following each step to construct the train station. In all the excitement to build the set, however, I began to realize that I had missed a step somewhere in the building process. Things began to look a little strange, and the train station just wasn’t looking right. Because I missed a step along the way, things began to not look right.

That reminds me of how its like for us to worship God. Much of the time we try to get the end result of worship, singing, eyes closed, hands clapping and whatever else worship looks like, but we often forget a step.

The Missing Step

Often when we worship, we forget why it is that we worship. And sometimes, we forget why we even can worship. We’re able to worship because of our relationship with God.

You wouldn’t be able to talk about how good food is at a restaurant if you didn’t eat there. It’s after you’ve tried the food that you’re able to talk about how good it is. That’s how we are with God.  To really enjoy praising him, we’ve got to get to know Him. We’ve got to develop a relationship with Him.

God wants nothing more than a relationship with you. He loves you and wants to know you in a deeper and more real way. This relationship enables us to worship God and enjoy him in a deeper way.

Through Jesus we should always bring God a sacrifice of praise, that is, words that acknowledge him By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name – Hebrews 13:15 (KJV)

This verse gives us lots of good examples of what praise is. It’s a sacrifice, that it may take some work and effort and stepping out of what feels comfortable to give praise. It also tells us that our lips should be giving thanks. That we should be producing thanks to God.

Worship Starts With the Heart

There are so many things that you can thank God for. Whether it’s simply the fact that you’re breathing, or for the food you got to eat, the clothes you wear, or the friends that you have. It could be taking time to think about all that God provided for you in Christ.

You can thank God that you’re not a sinner any longer, but a child of God. You can thank God for His faithfulness and goodness. There are so many things to thank God for.

Worship isn’t complicated. It’s not hard or something that you’ve got to go to Bible school to learn how to do effectively. Worship starts by simply taking time to thank God for what He’s done in your life. So don’t be like I was with my train station Lego set as a kid. Don’t forget a step when it comes to worship. Don’t forget that worship isn’t about actions only, it’s about your heart. It’s about taking time to focus on who God is and what He’s done for you. Worship starts with the heart.

Challenge yourself today to not let your worship become stale, but to refocus your attention on Jesus. Focus on who He is and what He’s done for you.

If you’re a youth leader and you liked this lesson, you can download a youth group lesson outline and powerpoint based on this devotion to share with your youth group in our online resource center.

3 Questions to Challenge Your Faith


3 Questions to Challenge Your Faith - Devotion for Teens, Youth and Teenagers

We are all at different places in our walk with Jesus. Some of us have known Jesus for years. Others began their faith journey recently. Regardless of where you are on your faith journey, here are three questions that will help challenge your faith.

Who is Jesus?

This is an important question to ask yourself. Who is Jesus to you? Is he just some good teacher? Is he just your ticket to heaven? Do you really believe He rose from the dead? Do you try to get to know something about Him each day? Each of us must answer the question who is Jesus to us. We might say he’s our Lord, but is He really influencing the decisions we make and the things we do each day?

Jesus asked this question to His followers in Matthew 16:15. Peter piped up and said something amazing.

Then Jesus said to his followers, “And who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” – Matthew 16:15 (ERV)

Peter had answered this question for himself. He knew who Jesus was to him. So, ask yourself the same question. Who is Jesus to you?

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Who am I?

How you view Jesus determines to a big degree how you view yourself. If you haven’t trusted Jesus as your savior, then you’re going to feel like you’ve got to do something to earn heaven. If you haven’t ever spent time learning how Jesus feels about you and how much He loves you, then you’re not going to have His perspective on who you are.

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to find out what Jesus says about you. You do that by reading the Bible. Knowing how Jesus feels about you is powerful. It is what will keep you going when you feel like no one loves you. You can see that you have great value to God by reading the Bible.

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous–how well I know it. – Psalm 139:14 (NLT)

What am I going to do?

Once you’ve determined who Jesus is and who you are, then you’ve got some work to do. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to keep the life change you’ve experienced in Jesus a secret? Or are you going to share it with others?

Are you going to let the way you live your life change as a result of knowing who Jesus is and who you are? Is knowing who you are in Jesus going to affect your day to day choices? As you realize that God loves you in a huge way, it helps you love others. It helps you be nice to the guy in math class that is always making fun of you. It helps you treat the girl on the bus better that is always calling you names.

Determine to live out of your relationship with Jesus. Let Jesus influence the things you say, the things you think about and the things you do.

God paid a very high price to make you his. So honor God with your body. – 1 Cor 6:20 (ERV)

No matter where you are in life, it’s good to stop and examine these three questions. If you’ve been a Christian for awhile, it’s good to remind yourself who Jesus is. If you’re a new Christian, its really good to think about these things to solidify your faith in God. No matter where you’re at in your walk with God, challenge yourself to think about these three questions and let the answers challenge you today to live for Jesus in what you think, say and do.

How To Deal – Tips For Dealing With Tough Times

Youth Leader Resource, Lesson Outline on Tough Times

Tough times are hard on us all. Whether a tough time comes from the passing of a loved one, a low grade on your history final, not making the softball team, or some other source, tough times can really weigh on you. Many times, it’s hard to know how to deal with tough times. You might feel like you don’t know how to respond, or want to blame God for the tough time you’re facing.

Where do tough times come from?

Let’s take a look at where tough times come from. Many people try to blame God for tough times. If a person you love dies, often people will say, God took them, or that God needed another angel in heaven. When you’re going through a difficult situation you might have someone tell you that God is using that situation to teach you a lesson. Let’s take a look at what the Bible says about difficult situations.

No one undergoing a trial should say, “I am being tempted by God.” For God is not tempted by evil, and He Himself doesn’t tempt anyone. – James 1:13 (HCSB)

This verse shows us that God isn’t sending a trial or a tough time to you to test you. God isn’t to blame for the difficulty you’re facing. He isn’t testing you or trying to teach you a lesson. God is good.

Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. – James 1:17 (NLT)

This verse shows us that God sends us good things. He’s not out there ready to strike down a loved one with cancer. He’s only got good gifts and things to give to you. So when tough times come, realize that God isn’t the source of your trial.

Your outlook is key in tough times

Your attitude and outlook makes a huge difference when you’re faced with a tough time. You can choose how you will respond to difficulties in your life. Your response makes a huge impact on how you handle difficulty. You can choose to be defeated or upbeat about the difficulties that come your way.

No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. – Romans 8:37

Paul is an awesome example of this. He faced lots of crazy stuff in his life. He was shipwrecked, beaten, left for dead, and put in prison. Despite all the hard things that happened in his life, he kept a good attitude. He chose to put his trust in God and keep a positive attitude in the midst of tough times.

Paul’s example should challenge us when we face tough times. Regardless of what is going on around us, we can take comfort in the fact that God never leaves us and isn’t the source of tough times. We can go to God in tough times and let Him be our shelter and our refuge.

Choose to look to God for His strength in difficulty. Remember that with God on your side you can’t be defeated. Keep a good attitude and know that God will help you through the difficulty you’re facing!

If you’re a youth leader and you liked this lesson, you can download a youth group lesson outline and powerpoint based on this devotion to share with your youth group in our online resource center.

How to Deal – Tips for Communicating With Parents

Youth Group Leader Lesson Outline

In this devotion, we’re talking about some practical tips on how to communicate with your parents.

Dealing with your parents, guardians or other authority figures in your life can be tough at times. It’s often easy to feel misunderstood by your parents or other authority figures in your life. Perhaps you feel like your parents aren’t in touch with reality and don’t really understand you. That’s why we’re going to give you some practical ways to improve your communication with your parents.

Communication is more than just talking

Improving your communication skills with your parents is an effective way to improve your relationship with your parents. However, communication is more than talking. Almost everyone talks to their parents. They ask them things like take me to the mall. Or perhaps they ask for money, or to spend the weekend at a friend’s house. Perhaps they complain about a curfew or a chore they have to do. These things are not effective communication with parents. Complaining, asking for things or yelling ‘hi’ as you run out the door is not communicating with your parents.

Communication is key to having a good relationship with your parents. Learning to communicate with your parents is very important. The relationship you have with your parents will be one of the longest relationships you will have. Your friends may change when you go to college, but your parents will remain your parents for the rest of your life. Learning to communicate effectively with your parents is important because your parents will be a lasting relationship in your life.

Communication helps re-negotiate effectively.

Maybe you wish that your parents treated you more like an adult. Or perhaps you wish that you were able to get your point across to your parents better. Here are a few tips on how to talk to your parents about what is bugging you.

If you’re wanting to talk to your parents about a rule that you’d like to see changed, there are more effective ways than just complaining to your parents.

  1. Look at your history. You shouldn’t expect more freedoms to be given to you if you haven’t done well under your parent’s current rules. Building trust with your parents takes time. If you’re consistently home late or not doing your homework or chores then you shouldn’t expect your parents to respond well to your request for changing a rule. Instead, you should begin doing things that prove to your parents that you are responsible. If you’re going to be late, even ten minutes, call your parents. If you have chores, do them. If you do these types of things, you begin to show your parents that you are responsible. Then, when you come to them with a request for a new freedom or responsibility, they’ll be much more likely to grant it.

    Galatians 6:9 – Don’t get tired of helping others.  You will be rewarded when the time is right if you don’t give up (CEV)

  2. Don’t be demanding. When you are communicating with your parents, don’t go into the conversation with a list of demands. Instead be thankful. Be grateful for all your parents do for you. When you enter a conversation being grateful and showing your parents respect, you’ll be surprised at how much better the conversation goes.
  3. Think about your approach. If you’re requesting a new freedom or responsibility, you should give your parents good reasons why you’re ready for the freedom. An example of this would be: I deserve to stay out an hour later on Friday nights because I’ve been home on time every night for the past month. You could point out that you’ve gotten all A’s and B’s on your report card. Also, take time to explain how you’ll handle the new freedom you’re requesting. If you’re asking for a curfew extension, mention that you’ll call them if you’re running late and keep them updated on where you’re at during the night.
  4. Be prepared if the answer is no. Decide to keep a good attitude regardless of what your parents say. Throwing a temper tantrum is not a good solution. If you’ll stay positive when the answer is no you show your parents that you’re starting to act like an adult. By keeping a good attitude, you are displaying maturity.

What does honor mean?

“Honor your father and mother” is the first commandment that has a promise attached to it, namely,  “so you will live well and have a long life.”  – Eph 6:2-3 (Message)

What does it mean to honor?  Does it mean that you have to always agree with your parents or see eye to eye with them on everything? No. It means that you have to respect them and appreciate their place in your life. God encourages us to do this because it makes your life so much easier. If you do this, you will live well.

Appreciating your parents will help you out in the long run. It makes your life easier and gives you more freedom in the long run. It might seem kind of backwards but by following the rules instead of butting our head against them lots of time we can get more freedom.

You can get along with your parents. It might take some work and a lot of maturity, but you can do it. Choose to honor your parents, and speak well of them. You’ll be surprised at how much better your communication with them is if you stop demanding things from them, and start showing them respect.

If you’re a youth leader and you liked this devotion, we’ve got a youth group lesson outline available for download in our online resource center.

What K’NEX Teach About Dreams


Did you ever play with K’NEX as a kid? If you haven’t, they are really fun building sets. They come with lots of pieces and parts for kids to build really great things ranging from cars to rollercoasters. As a kid, I always enjoyed building things with them. K’NEX are a blast to put together, but they can also teach us some things about the dreams that God has placed in your heart.

  1. Point #1 – It takes time to build a dream
    The frustrating thing about dreams is that they don’t happen overnight. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you had a dream to be a professional athlete and you woke up the next day with a contract to play for a great team? Or maybe you have a dream to get married some day and just wish that Mr. or Mrs. Right would just show up. The frustrating thing about dreams is that they don’t come to pass in a day or even a week. They often take time to build.

    Genesis 15:5 Then the LORD took Abram outside and said to him, “Look up into the sky and count the stars if you can. That’s how many descendants you will have!” (NLT)

    God gave Abraham a dream, but it was years and years later that this dream actually came to pass in his life. The important thing to do when you have a dream is to not get discouraged if it takes longer than you think to come to pass.

    The guys who developed K’NEX spent over two years tweaking the design for the product. He didn’t launch a successful brand overnight. He took his time to get it right. The development of K’NEX show us that it takes time to build a dream.

  2. Point #2 – Your dream might not always look like you think.
    Often our dreams don’t always look like we think they should. We see a picture in our head of what our dream is supposed to look like. But sometimes when it plays out, the picture doesn’t look like what is sitting in front of us. It’s up to us to take the pieces of our dream, like you would the pieces of the K’NEX set and begin to build them into something.

    Psalm 37:23 – The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. (NLT)

    The Lord directs each step or piece of your life. As you follow the steps He lays out in front  you, you’ll see your dreams are able to come to pass in your life.

  3. Point #3 – You build dreams by following the directions
    A K’NEX set comes with directions. But it’s up to you to follow those. You can try to build the set on your own, but you might miss a piece. That’s why its great to follow those instructions. In the same way, God set up instructions in His word for us to follow. When we follow those instructions, we begin to build dreams in our lives.

    Psalm 119:105 – Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path (NLT)

Choose today to let God help you build your dreams. And while those dreams might take longer than you would like, you can rest, knowing that God is going to take care of you when you build those dreams according to His directions.

If you’re a youth leader and you liked this devotion, there’s a great youth leader lesson and powerpoint available to download.

Why Jesus Is Like Snapchat

Teen Devotion - Youth Group Lesson - Why Jesus is like SnapchatSnapchat is a great way to connect with your friends. You can send them a photo, video, add a caption, and send the snap off to a friend. Snapchat is a great app to use and a lot of fun.

Have you ever thought about the fact that Jesus is a lot like Snapchat? No, Jesus isn’t an app or a way to communicate with your friends, but we can learn about Jesus from Snapchat.

Once a snap is sent, it can be viewed for a limited amount of time. Then the snap deletes. Its never seen again. This is a lot like what Jesus did for us on the cross. Our sin was a barrier to get to God. We couldn’t come to God on the basis of our works, because any sin, no matter how small keeps us from knowing God. What we needed was a solution to our sin. The solution was Jesus.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  – Romans 3:23 (HSCB)

Jesus Fixed The Problem

Jesus was able to delete sin, permanently. Once we ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins, they’re gone, deleted once and for all. Just like the snaps in snapchat. They can’t be viewed again once they’re deleted. And that’s what Jesus did for us. He deleted the sin out of our lives by dying on the cross. His death and resurrection caused the sin problem to be destroyed. When we accept Jesus in our lives, all our sins are deleted. They’re gone. We can go to God as if sin never existed in our lives.

Because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. – Romans 8:2 (NIV)

So the next time you use snapchat, let it be a reminder to you of how Jesus was and is the solution to sin.

If you’re a youth leader and liked this devotion, we’ve got a great youth leader lesson download based on this devotion.

3 Tests To See If You’re In Love

Teen and Youth Devotion on Finding Out If you're in love

How do you know if you’re really in love? Is there some magic formula, math equation, or science experiment that can tell you? How do you know when you’ve found the “real deal” and when to just keep looking?

There’s got to be a better way to approach relationships and dating. We’ve come up with three tests to find out if the relationship you’re in or pursuing has the potential to be the real thing.

  1. Test #1 – The Push Test
    The best way to find out if your relationship is true love is by putting it through the push test. The push test takes an honest look at your current relationship and asks, “What is this relationship pushing me toward?” Is your relationship pushing you toward God? Are you challenged to be a better Christian by the person you’re dating? Or does your relationship make you do, say and go places that you’re not comfortable with? Is your relationship pushing you toward your goals? A true relationship headed toward love and marriage will push you closer to God and challenge you to accomplish your goals.

    Stop forming inappropriate relationships with unbelievers. Can right and wrong be partners? Can light have anything in common with darkness? – 2 Cor 6:14

  2. Test #2 – The Church Test
    The church test is a great way to find out if your relationship really is love. The church tests asks if how you act and the things you do around your crush or boyfriend/girlfriend were viewed by your pastor, or even Jesus himself would you be embarrassed? Is your relationship causing you to do things physically, verbally, or any other way that isn’t right? If it is, you need to cut the relationship off. As a Christian, you’ve got the spirit of God living on the inside of you. You should be acting in ways that reflect that new nature.

    Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself – 1 Cor 6:19


  3. Test #3 – The Family Test
    This test asks how your family feels about the person you’re dating. Do they feel that you’re a better person because you’re with them? Or do they see some red flags in your relationship? Do they become worried about your behavior when you’re with that person? If your family has concerns about your relationship, you need to take those to heart. If a relationship doesn’t pass the family test, you should seriously consider calling it off.

    If you honor your father and mother, “things will go well for you, and you will have a long life on the earth.” – Ephesians 6:3 (NLT)

These three tests should help you determine if your relationship has the potential to be true love. Always be sure to spend time praying and asking God about your relationship. Also, don’t be afraid to call off a relationship if it’s not headed in a good direction. Your heart is too valuable to not be protected. Determine today to make good choices when it comes to dating.

If you’re a youth leader, and you enjoyed this devotion, be sure to check out the youth leader lesson on the same topic. We’ve also got a ton of great resources in our youth leader resources section, so check them out!

What Christians Have in Common With Spiderman – Part Two

Teen Devotion about being new in Christ

In part one of this lesson, we talked about the amazing transformation that happens when you become a Christian. We talked about how your Spirit has been made new. Our identity changed when we received Jesus as our savior. We are not the person we used to be, we’ve been made alive unto God. This lesson takes a look at some of the awesome superpowers we now have since we’ve asked Jesus into our hearts.

  1. God gave us the ability to enjoy everything that He provided.
    In Genesis 1, we see the account of God creating  The earth. He created, plants, trees, animals, and they were all for us to enjoy.
    God gave us everything we need to live a happy, full life. He created all these things so that we could enjoy the things he provided.
  2. We can enjoy peace of mind and emotional stability.
    For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:7
    Things around you might be going crazy. But no matter what you’re facing, know this that God will see you through. In Him, you have emotional stability.
  3. The ability to fellowship and walk with God.
    This ability makes Christianity unique. God created you because He loves you and wants to spend time with you. He sent His son, Jesus to die on the cross for you so that you could live a life free from inferiority, guilt and fear.

You might not be able to climb walls, shoot spider web, or do any of the really cool things that Spiderman can do, but God has left you some pretty amazing superpowers. Who you are in Christ is greater than any problem or any circumstance you might face.

[Tweet “Who you are in Christ is greater than any problem or circumstance you face – @studentdevos”]

In life, you’ll probably face some challenges. When you do, remember that with God inside of you, you are now like Spiderman. Even though you can’t climb walls, with God’s help you can overcome any
challenge that life might throw your way.

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” – Romans 8:31

Youth Leaders

If you’re a youth leader, and you liked this devotion, we have a similar youth group lesson outline available in our youth leader resource center.

What Christians Have in Common With Spiderman

Teen Devotion about being new in ChristSpiderman is an awesome superhero. However, his real name is Peter Parker and he was orphaned and living with his aunt and uncle. His ordinary life changes one day he gets bit by a radioactive spider during a science demonstration. Because of the spider bite, he gets spider-like powers: super-strength, ability to climb walls, and great jumping skills.

Did you realize that as a Christian, you’ve got super powers too? Sure you can’t climb buildings, or be able to jump really high, but like Peter Parker, we underwent a huge transformation when we became Christians.

To understand this transformation, we’ve got to go way back in time. Back to Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve lost their right standing with God. They were created to walk and talk with God. When Adam and Eve sinned and ate the fruit from that tree they were no longer right before God, and that’s because God can’t condone sin. God couldn’t have the relationship he had with them before.

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16

Jesus came and gave us a way back to God We were separated from God but God loved us too much to let us die in our sins. Because of what Jesus did there is now nothing that can separate you from God.
Just like Peter changed after getting bitten by a spider, once you became a Christian your whole identity changed.

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! –  2 Cor 5:17 (NLT)

A Christian isn’t renovated like a house, He is a new creature. You weren’t just made over, but rather something which never before existed.

As a Christian you’ve got a lot in common with Spiderman. You’ve got a whole new identity that is found in Christ. As you get into the word and learn more about who you are in Christ, you’ll find you just keep growing in that new identity.

Youth Leaders

If you’re a youth leader, and you liked this devotion, we have a similar youth group lesson outline available in our resource center.