Have you set goals for the new year? Perhaps you aren’t really into goals. Some people aren’t. But even if you don’t have major ambitions of losing weight or getting your history class grade a bit higher, you should have a few goals as a Christian. Check out this one found in Romans.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. – Romans 12:1 (NIV)
In Romans 12:1 we see that we are being urged to be a living sacrifice. What in the world does that mean? Are you supposed to hop on an altar like Isaac did in the Old Testament and be willing to get sacrificed?
I sure hope you answer no to that question! No, we aren’t called to be an actual sacrifice. Instead, God calls us to present our bodies to Him. So what does that look like?
Well, presenting your body to Him as a living sacrifice often looks like simply being willing to do whatever God asks you to do. Are you willing to give up some of your free time to read the Bible each day? If God asked you to give your Christmas money to your friend who is going through a tough time, would you be willing to do that?
Being a living sacrifice is just being willing to do whatever God asks. Often when God asks you to do something, it’s not always a huge thing. God many times doesn’t ask you to start a worldwide ministry. Instead, He simply asks you to give up a little time each day to pray for a friend in need.
Will you do whatever God asks? Whether it’s something big or something small. If so, you’re being a living sacrifice for Him.
So today, make one of your goals (even if goals aren’t your thing) to be a living sacrifice. Choose to do whatever He asks you to do, regardless of how big or how small, how complicated or how easy it is. If you do, you’re being a living sacrifice for Him.
Goal #2 – Am I Willing to Be a Living Sacrifice?