Whenever I am anxious and worried, you comfort me and make me glad. – Psalm 94:19 (GNT)
Our world right now gives us lots of reasons to be anxious and worried. For you, there might be some anxiety over school starting. Perhaps you wonder how well you’ll do this year since last year online was really hard.
Maybe your school hasn’t decided what to do yet, or perhaps your parents have decided to homeschool you. All the unknown can lead you to feeling very anxious.
You might have lots of reasons to be anxious, however, God tells us that He’s here to comfort you and make you glad.
That means that even in the middle of a world that seems in chaos. Even when it feels like nothing is going right, you can be at peace. Why? Because you know Jesus.
He’s the one who will never leave your side. He’s always there ready to help, and He understands anxiety. So today go to Him. Talk to Him about your concerns and the things that trouble you. He’s ready and willing to help you in any way He can.