Have you ever thought about the fact that you can love God, but not really love the Bible? That might sound strange, but it is possible. There are Christians that go to church, love Jesus with all their hearts, yet don’t read their Bibles.
And while reading your Bible won’t keep you from heaven, it’s an important spiritual practice as Christians we should do.
Those who love your instructions have great peace and do not stumble. – Psalm 119:165 (NLT)
Loving God and being thankful for your salvation is awesome. However, getting into the Bible and loving God’s word is important too. There’s a lot that can be learned about God by reading His word. You begin to see who God is, His love for you, and His true nature.
So if you haven’t yet, decide that this year, you’ll try to read more of the Bible. Something as simple as listening to a couple of chapters a day on YouTube will get you through the Bible in a year.