You probably saw our challenge yesterday encouraging you to read the Bible this year. And you might think: why should I read the Bible? More importantly, why should I read the whole thing?
And those would be good questions. The Bible is a huge book. The idea of reading it can seem overwhelming. Then there are the parts that are hard to understand, and you might question if diving into it is really for you.
Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. – Proverbs 30:5 (NKVJ)
To answer those questions, let’s look at our verse for today. It tells us that every word of God is pure. That means they’re all important. From the strange ones to the ones that you really love, the Bible is God’s word. As followers of Jesus, we should be wanting to know what God says, every word.
So if you haven’t before, challenge yourself to read the Bible this year. Don’t be discouraged by how big it is. Reading through it takes 3-4 chapters a day. You can even find it on YouTube or the YouVersion app and have it read to you. That can be helpful if you don’t like the idea of reading it yourself.
Challenge yourself this year to see if you can read the Bible cover to cover. You’ll be excited to see how much you learn!