And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. – Phil 4:19 (NIV)
How do we stay content? We know it’s something that we should be focused on, being content. But how do we do that when it’s so hard right now?
Contentment takes work. That’s hard to hear, but it’s true. It’s going to take some effort to stay content, especially when things seem less than ideal.
To be content, you’ve got to choose it. You’ve got to determine that regardless of your circumstances, you’re going to be content.
You can only do that when you take time to realize what Jesus has done for you. Jesus loves you and will always provide for you and see you through. Jesus knows the beginning from the end and there will always be provision for your needs.
So focus on that. Focus on God’s great love for you. As you do, it’s easier to be content. You know that regardless of how bad things might seem around you, that God cares about you.
He’s made a way to provide all your needs. You’ve just got to rest, knowing that God has supplied you with everything you need.