It’s getting to be back to school time. Sometimes that can feel overwhelming. Perhaps the idea of new classes or a new teacher seems scary to you. Maybe you just know that your faith will be tested and tried while you’re at school and it can make you not want to go back.
Regardless of how you feel, today’s Bible verse should help encourage you.
Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. – Hebrews 4:16 (NIV)
What do you need for this upcoming year? Do you need help with math? Is it a different group of friends that help challenge you to serve God more? What do you need?
Once you know that, then go to God. Ask Him for His help. Get His wisdom for the upcoming year. Know that He’s ready and willing to help you with whatever need you have. So don’t be afraid to ask. Don’t feel like your need is too small or it’s too big. God’s love for you is so big. Go to Him for the help and encouragement that you need to get through this school year.

If you are struggling with going back to school, check out this 5-day devotion geared to encourage you with practical tips on going back to school.