Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us – Hebrews 12:1
Have you ever watched a little kid at a birthday party? Often, a very small kid will not really get the point of the presents. I’ve seen lots of little kids open presents and play more with the boxes and wrapping paper than the toys they got for their birthday.
By now, as a teenager, you’ve learned to throw the wrapping paper away and go straight for the birthday presents. Part of the process of growing up is learning that good things are deep inside the boxes and packages. With a little work, you’re able to separate the box from the present and throw away the things you don’t need.
When it comes to your life with Christ, you have to do the same thing. You have to learn what things are important and hold onto and treasure those things, and then lay aside (or throw away) the things that distract you from your life of faith in Christ.
I know there have been times when God has led me to stop watching a TV show because it was causing fear to build in my heart. There have been times when a friend was leading me to sin and I needed to limit the time I spent with that person. Sometimes, there are times when we need to lay aside things that are distracting us from the good things that God has for us.
So today, spend some time asking God if there are things in your life that you need to lay aside. They might not even be bad things, but rather things that distract you from reading your Bible or praying. As you put those things aside, you’ll realize the good things God has for you and walk in the joy of your relationship with God.