Do you ever struggle with questioning your purpose and your identity? For many, the teenage years can be a difficult time. It’s not unusual for teens to question who they are, why they’re here, and wrestle with purpose and meaning.
There’s nothing wrong with good questions like these. Especially if you go to God’s word to find the answers. Always keep searching for the answers that you need.
Let’s take a look at what God shows us about when He created man and woman.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. – Genesis 1:27 (ESV)
In the midst of all your questions, don’t forget this important truth: you’re made in the image of God. So in your questions, know this, you’re important to God. Because He made you, He knows you. He sees your purpose and potential. So don’t give up, don’t stop asking Him for guidance and direction when it comes to your identity.
God has all wisdom and in His word are the answers you need to every question you ask. Get into your Bible. Study it and search it out to find the answers you need. Also, find a trusted mentor that is more experienced in their faith than you. Ask them for their wisdom and insights about the questions you have.
God wants to help you find your purpose and your identity. Keep seeking Him, and as you get to know Him more, you’ll begin to discover your true identity, in Him.
Today’s Truth: You are made in the image of God.
Pray: God, I thank you that I’m made in your image. Today I choose to get to know you more. As I spend time with you, you’ll show me the purpose that you created me for. Thank you for your goodness and your love, in Jesus’ name, Amen.