I’m not perfect. I mess up, daily, ok, let’s be honest, probably hourly. I lose my temper, I let unkind words slip out. There are times when I’m afraid to stand up for Jesus and hide in fear.
And it’s probably safe to say, you might be a little like me. You probably aren’t perfect. You make mistakes and daily fall short of perfection.
Here’s the good news. Perfection isn’t what God requires. In fact, He knew we couldn’t do it, so He sent Jesus to make us perfect through His resurrection.
For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. – Hebrews 10:14 (NIV)
God doesn’t require us to be perfect. He requires us to put our trust in Jesus. And when we do, our hearts are turned toward Him.
Today’s Truth: God wants our hearts, not our perfection.

We’d like to give a big thanks to Lucas Beron for creating the image for today’s devotion. If you like his designs, you can see more of his work by following him at @yosigonmd. He’s also written several devotions for us in the past: How to Live Fear-Free During Coronavirus and Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 4:8.
June 8, 2022 at 11:18 pmThis was just what I needed to hear today