Genesis 3:15 You and this woman will hate each other; your descendants and hers will always be enemies. One of hers will strike you on the head, and you will strike him on the heel.” (CEV)
Adam messed up. As the representative for the human race, Adam’s sin made us all sinners. And while that might seem like bad news, it’s the beginning of God’s love story toward humanity.
From here on out, God worked to bring a solution to the sin problem. That solution was Jesus. One day, the one who created us would come as a man. He would lay His life down to rescue us.
From the beginning, God had a plan back to Him. And that plan was prophesied in today’s verse. One day God himself would come and strike the devil. He would be the one who would rescue us from sin.
So no matter how bad you’ve messed up, God provided a solution for your sin in Jesus. Jesus paid the price for all your sin, and once you accept Him as the Lord of your life, you can walk in freedom, knowing the price for sin has been paid.