Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Ezekiel 2:7

You probably have some friends that aren’t following God. Perhaps, they know what’s right, but they’re choosing to not live for God. And that can make you wonder what you should do. Should you say something to them?

Or maybe you’re seeing things in the world around you that aren’t right. And you wonder, should I speak up? Should I stand up for others? Should I say the truth even if people don’t listen and maybe even make fun of me?

You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen, for they are rebellious. – Ezekiel 2:7 (NIV)

In today’s Bible verse we see Ezekiel encouraged to speak God’s words to the people around him. It didn’t matter whether those people listened or failed to listen. What mattered is that Ezekiel spoke the things God showed him to speak and spoke out God’s truth.

In our relationships, we can’t be afraid to speak the truth found in God’s word to others. It isn’t going to be always easy to do, but we should not be afraid of speaking the truth, but with a heart of love. Our goal in speaking Biblical truth isn’t to shame someone or to make them feel bad, but rather to lead them back to the God who loves them and wants His best for them.

Today, don’t be afraid. Speak God’s word in love to situations and see God use you to help lead others back to Him.

speak God's truth

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  • Hannah
    May 17, 2022 at 8:45 am

    I needed to hear this one. It can feel so discouraging when a lot of your friends were raised in the church but they weren’t loved the way they should have been and so they turned away from it, or began to stray and let it happen. It’s so hard because you want to share things with them that make them see the truth and feel truly loved and cared for, not shamed and criticized. It hurts my heart to know that so many people have been mistreated and therefore turn away from it. I wish we could love like Jesus did and does. I also have trouble remembering to ultimately give that to Jesus, I tend to feel like the weight of the world (or my friend’s souls at the very least) is all on me. It’s hard finding a balance of talking about Jesus and the Bible, and not overwhelming them with it to where they are annoyed and their hearts harden to it.

    • studentdevos
      May 18, 2022 at 2:18 pm

      Hannah – I’m with you! I feel the same way, it’s hard to find that balance, but praying that you will!