Standing up for your faith in the face of peer pressure is not easy. So this year, as you go back to school, take some time to prepare yourself.
What kinds of things do you think you’ll face? Then begin thinking of ways you can avoid them. Maybe it will be saying no to going to a certain party or gathering. Perhaps it is just strengthening yourself by reading scriptures now to help during school. Regardless, spend some time as you get ready to go back to school thinking through how you’ll stand for truth.
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. – Ephesians 6:11 (NIV)
Then begin to build yourself up. One of the most effective ways to do this is to read God’s word. Time spent in His word helps you stand strong so that you can stand up against the devil’s schemes.
But even if you’re faced with something you didn’t prepare for, you can know that you’re going to school with God’s help this year. You can rely on the Holy Spirit for creative ways and ideas to stand up for truth and say no to peer pressure. So don’t expect to give in this year. Instead choose to stand up and stand strong for God and the truth found in the Bible.
Today’s Truth: Prepare Yourself Ahead of Time to Stand Strong Against the Devil