Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 145:18

Have you ever wanted to talk to God, but felt like you couldn’t? Maybe you wondered how do I talk to Him? is He too busy to even care?

It can be really easy to think those thoughts. God has so many people to think about, and so many requests, and you might feel like yours isn’t the most important or that God can’t really be concerned about you! The good news is that God isn’t limited like we are. He doesn’t have limits to His strength, His power, or His ability to hear you. Look at what today’s Bible verse says.

The Lord is near to all who call on him,
    to all who call on him in truth. – Psalm 145:18 (NIV)

God wants you to call on Him. In fact, He likes hearing from you. He is near to anyone who calls on Him. So instead of feeling like God is too busy, realize that He looks forward to hearing from you. He is near to anyone who will simply talk to Him.

So don’t be afraid to go to God. Know that He hears you, and wants to talk to you. Call on Him in the good times and the bad. And know that He is never too busy to hear from you!

Today’s Truth: God is never too busy to hear from you.

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