Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Ephesians 2:10

We’re talking about dating and relationships this week. And as we’ve mentioned before, when it comes to dating, we should really get God’s perspective on it, not just do what everyone else is doing. Because sometimes the majority is wrong. As Christians, our goal should be living lives that are godly, and we do this by following what the Bible has to say above all else.

So with that in mind, here’s another truth about dating.

Today’s Truth: You are chosen in Christ.

So often, we feel good about ourselves when we’re selected. For example, if all your friends have dates to a school dance, and you don’t, you often feel bad. Why? You want to be chosen. You feel that if you’re in a relationship, and someone wants to be with you, that makes you more desirable.

See, we have a wrong idea about where our worth comes from. Often we lean so much to what others think, if they accept us, and when they do we feel good about ourselves.

However, judging your worth on those standards will always come up short. We should judge our worth based on a standard that doesn’t change, which is God’s word.

That’s not easy to do, because our culture has taken their eyes off Jesus, and put relationships and sexuality as idols. From movies, to books, to social media, relationships, sexuality things like that are at the forefront. And it’s easy to get caught up in it all. However, those things were never meant to define you. Instead, we’re to be putting our eyes on Jesus.

We should be going to Jesus to define our worth. And the good news is that He says we’re worth a lot. He gave up everything of heaven because we were worth so much to Him. So when you begin to question your worth, when you begin to wonder if you’re loved and valued, know this, Jesus accepts you in a way that no one else could. He loves you, and wants the best for your life.

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. – Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)

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  • Gloria
    February 3, 2023 at 1:45 pm
