When Adam sinned, it brought death to all humans. There was nothing we could do and no way we could make ourselves right with God. That’s why another man, Jesus, had to come and die for us.
Jesus came and His death provided our freedom from death and sin.
When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. – Romans 5:6 (NLT)
From the beginning of time, God’s plan has always been about humankind. He loves us that much.
So on those days when you question your worth. When you wonder does God really care about you. You can remind yourself of today’s verse. That when we were helpless, God cared enough to send His son.
The death and resurrection of Jesus proves your worth. It proves how much God cares about you and your life. So don’t believe the lie that says your life doesn’t matter. God proved your worth when He sent His son for you.