Have you noticed all the issues pride can cause? Pride usually comes when you feel good about something you did or you accomplished.
Did you see the issue there with that statement? Something you did, or you accomplished. That’s the problem with pride. It leaves God out of the equation. Pride is something God opposes because it removes the need for Him in your life. When you think that you can do it all yourself, and you don’t seek God or His help, that’s pride.
But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. – James 4:6 (NIV)
Pride isn’t something that we should be running after as Christians. Instead, we should be seeking relationship with God. We should be seeking to know Him more, and seek His opinion, advice and help in each area of our lives.
We weren’t built to face life on our own. And if we try, we often feel depressed, helpless and alone. It’s including God in your life that brings you the fulfillment that your heart seeks.
So today, decide to seek after God. Don’t try to live your life for yourself and on your own. Instead, seek God. Involve Him in your life and follow His plan for you each day.
Today’s Truth: Don’t Try to Live your life only for you.