Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper— it only leads to harm. – Psalm 37:8 (NLT)
One time, I can recall getting really mad. In my anger, I ended up breaking somethings. Afterward, I felt really silly. I had allowed something small make me so mad that I had caused damage to things in my room.
And while breaking things in anger can be bad, often when we’re angry we can damage relationships too. The hard thing about damaging a relationship is that they’re harder to fix and replace than a broken toy or cup.
Today’s Truth: Anger is Destructive.
Anger can destroy things in your life. Learning to control your anger takes work, but if you’ll put in the effort, you’ll see good results in the end.
God wants you to walk in peace and freedom. Anger will steal your peace, rob you of joy and keep you from experiencing the good things God has for you.
So today, be on the guard against anger in your life. Don’t let anger have inroads into your life. Stop your anger before it grows and begins to destroy things in your life.