Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. – 1 Timothy 2:2 (NLT)
This week we’ve been talking about prayer. We’ve seen that God wants to hear from us, that our prayer is powerful, and that a good way to pray is to pray God’s word.
Today we’re going to look at the importance of praying for our leaders and those in authority. Right now, there is so many decisions our leaders have to make. Do they open restaurants and schools back up? Should they encourage us to all continue staying home? These are some of the tough decisions facing our leaders right now.
In the middle of this pandemic, our leaders need prayer more than ever. Our church leaders need wisdom to know how to reach people for Christ. Our school leaders need wisdom on how to keep students safe and keep learning happening. The leaders in government need wisdom to make wise choices concerning our safety.
So today, as we’re looking at prayer, let’s spend some time praying for our leaders and those in authority. Let’s pray they have the wisdom to make good decisions during these difficult times.
Here’s an example of how you could pray for your leaders today.
God, I come to you. I thank you that you hear me when I pray. Right now, I pray for those in leadership. I pray that you give our leaders wisdom. Help them to make good choices concerning our future. Give them creative ideas to know what to do. Help them by your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
May 7, 2020 at 10:38 amamen lord!