Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 119:1

Many times I’ve felt like when I was choosing to serve God that I was giving things up. I felt like if I was going to really live for God, it would require me to give up all the fun things in life. And for awhile, it was a struggle knowing what I wanted to do. Did I want to serve Jesus with my whole heart? Or did I want to live for myself and for fun? Then I came across today’s Bible verse.

Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord. – Psalm 119:1 (NIV)

When I read today’s verse, I see that you are blessed when you follow God. Instead of giving up everything, you’re getting something far better in return.

Really, it’s a perspective shift. Instead of thinking about all the things you give up to serve Christ, you can find joy by realizing how blessed it is to know Him. Knowing Jesus, following after Him is a blessing. It’s certainly not always easy, but there is purpose and joy in serving Him.

So today, if you’re struggling with whether to follow Jesus or not because you’re concerned of what you might have to give up, don’t be. Realize that it’s a matter of perspective. When you follow Jesus, you gain so much more than what you give up. Don’t be afraid to step out and follow Him.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Romans 13:1

Teen Devotion and Bible Verse on Honor

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. – Romans 13:1 (NIV)

We’ve been talking a lot in our devotions this week about honor. Yesterday, we talked about honoring our parents, but what about the other authority figures in our lives?

How can we honor our coaches, pastors, and teachers?

A lot of honoring comes down to developing respect for the position each of those people holds. For example, you may not love your coach’s decision to not start you in the game. But because that person is your coach, you choose to honor them.

That isn’t to say you agree 100% with their decision. It’s just saying that instead of yelling at them or quitting the team because you’re not starting the basketball game this Friday, that you’re going to choose to speak to them with respect.

There’s a big difference between agreeing with someone and still respecting them as a person. You might not understand why a decision was made. But you choose to respect that person because they’re your coach.

So today, if you’ve struggled with honoring your coaches, pastors, and teachers ask God for help. He can show you any heart adjustments you need to make to honor and respect those people in your life.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Ephesians 6:2

“Honor your father and mother”–which is the first commandment with a promise–Ephesians 6:2 (NIV)

Yesterday we talked about what honor is. Today we’re going to talk about one of the people that should be honored in your life, your parents. Now, I’m sure you could list a lot of reasons why your parents don’t deserve to be honored.

Maybe your mom isn’t serving God and lies, cheats, and steals. Or perhaps your dad left your family and you don’t feel like he is honorable at all.

If we’re honest, we could probably think of a long list of reasons why our parents don’t deserve to be honored. But God didn’t give us an out. He didn’t say honor your parents if they deserve it. He just told us to honor them.

If God told us to honor them, then it’s something we can do. We just have to determine to look past their imperfections and the things we’d like to change about them. Instead, we just honor the place they have in our lives.

Honor doesn’t mean you always agree but rather that you respect the place your parents have in your life.

So even if you have a bad mom or dad, they still are the reason you’re here today. And because of that, you’re to show them respect. That doesn’t mean that you have to agree with the things they do. It does mean that you treat them with respect in the middle of your disagreement.

If you want to lash out, choose to control your tongue and say your thoughts with respect. Honor the place they have in your life. As you do that, you’ll find that you’re a lot more at peace and things go better for you as a result.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Ephesians 2:10

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. – Ephesians 2:10

Have you ever posted a photo on Instagram? One of the things I really like about posting on Instagram are the filters. I like how a boring photo can look really amazing when a filter is added.

In life, we can look at ourselves and see our shortcomings. We can feel like we have little value or not who we are. However, God just like Instagram has filters. He sees us through the filter of Jesus.

He doesn’t see our sin, our failure or shortcomings. Rather He looks at us and sees a masterpiece. He sees that we are new in Christ Jesus and sees the good things that He has planned for us.

Today’s Truth: When God sees us He sees the good things He has planned for us

So instead of focusing on your failures and shortcomings, choose to see yourself like God sees you. When he sees you, He sees someone that is a masterpiece.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Galatians 6:8

Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. – Galatians 6:8 (NIV)

Have you noticed that you make time for the things that are important to you? If you really like sports, you’ll make sure that you’re free to watch the games. If you like to watch movies, you make sure you get to the theater to watch the latest release.

When something is important, you make time for it.

It’s easy to let yourself make so much time for fun things that you run out of time for the things of God.

For example, you might have so much fun hanging out with your friends that you stay out too late to get up early to read your Bible. With good intentions, you pull out your phone to read the Bible, only to realize 15 minutes later, you got sucked into watching lots of YouTube videos.

The things of God are important. In a difficult season of your life, it won’t matter if you watched all those YouTube videos. What will be important is whether you planted God’s word in your heart. God’s word is what will get you through.

So today, if you’ve let yourself become used to sowing to please yourself, make some adjustments. Determine to sow to spiritual things too!

Today’s Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Ephesians 4:28

The thief must no longer steal. Instead, he must do honest work with his own hands, so that he has something to share with anyone in need.
Ephesians 4:28 (Holman)

As a student, you might not have a job. Even if you don’t, there is still something that you can do to earn some income.

Maybe you could babysit. Perhaps you could use a lawnmower and mow lawns, or grab a shovel and shovel driveways when it snows. Whatever it is, there’s something you can do to earn a little money.

Then instead of using all that money to buy some new shoes or go to the newest move, think what you could do with part of that money to be a blessing and help to someone else?

There might be someone at school that doesn’t have enough money for decent clothes, you could help get them some. There might be a homeless shelter near you, you could give to that. Or you might begin to give money to a cause at your church. This list can go on and on.

Today you can grow into the true joy of having money. This comes from learning to resist being a moocher and becoming a giver! Pray today that God would help get you a job or an idea of how to make money so that you’ll continually have some to give when a worthy need arises around you.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Romans 10:17

So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ. – Romans 10:17 (NLT)

Have you ever listened to a song the first time and didn’t like it? But then maybe it kept being played on the radio or a friend really liked it and so you listened to it over and over again. After a few times of listening, the song that you didn’t really like stopped bugging you so much. Then, before you knew it, that song became one of your favorites. There’s power in listening to something time and time again.

The same is true with God’s word. Often we hear a scripture or verse one time and it’s easy to overlook it. But if we dig into it, and get it into our hearts, it can often become life-changing. It’s all about hearing it again and again.

There are truths in God’s word that can be overlooked if we just read them once quickly. However, if we dig beneath the surface, we can often find a life-changing truth. So today, take some time to get into God’s word. Pick a scripture and take a fresh look at it. Really think about what it is saying to you and how it can apply to your life. Faith comes as you hear God’s word over and over again!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 112:1

I remember a time when I rode a rollercoaster. It was a really rickety old coaster. Each bump and turn in the ride shook my whole body. About halfway through the ride, I realized that I was developing a bad headache. By the time the ride was done, the creaking, shaking, rumbling ride made me so thankful for the other rollercoasters in the park that were nice and new. They provided a great and smooth ride. Both rides were roller coasters, but the smooth one was the one that I enjoyed.

That reminds me of how much smoother life can be when we fear God and delight in His commands. Today’s Bible verse talks about that.

Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands. – Psalm 112:1 (NIV)

When we fear God and delight in his commands, it’s like riding the smooth roller coaster. It just goes better for us and is much more enjoyable. Life with God, loving Him, following what His word and commands say is better. It bring us blessing. It makes us have less headaches and sorrow.

So today, determine in your heart that you will fear God. Not that you’re scared of God, but that you respect Him. You love Him and honor Him as the one who created the world and everything in it. Then determine to also fall in love with His word. In the Bible is where you’ll really grow and get to know God more. Develop good habits of reading the word and see how much smoother life gets.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 111:10

What do you want most out of life? Do you wish to belong? Do you want to be successful in business, make money, or some other pursuit? I know for years, I wanted nothing more than to be a successful business person and to have lots of money to give into the gospel. Let’s look a bit at today’s verse and see what it can teach us about what we should be wanting out of life.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise. – Psalm 111:10 (NIV)

Today’s verse talks about how the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Is wisdom something that we want in life? How far could we go if we would just reverence or fear God? If we sought His plan for our lives. What would things look like?

It’s amazing how easily we can become like the world. We can forget that seeking God and His wisdom is to be the thing that we want most of all. It’s in Him and knowing Him that we get the wisdom that we need. Out of that wisdom can come success.

We will find the most success in life if we will simply seek after God’s wisdom. When we do that, the other things in our life will line up. So today, challenge yourself to seek God’s wisdom. Follow after Him and see what a difference His wisdom can make in the situations that you’re facing.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Esther 4:14

Esther was an amazing woman in the Bible. She was bold and daring. When it really mattered, she stood up for those around her who needed it.

Esther could have remained silent and not said anything. Honestly, that probably would have been a lot easier for her. She would have been more comfortable and wouldn’t have faced the threat of death. Instead, Esther chose to stand up for her people and her faith.

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” – Esther 4:14

In life, we have moments where we can choose to participate with God. We can choose His plan and His purpose, or we can choose to be silent and do what seems easier.

If you want to do big things for God, however, you’ve got to choose to participate with God.

Today’s Truth: To do big things for God, you’ve got to choose to participate with Him.

So today, if you’ve been silent for your faith or been afraid to take the next step in your relationship with God, don’t be. Determine to not let fear rule your life. Step out in faith and see what God can do in you.