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word of God

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Proverbs 30:5

“Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. – Proverbs 30:5 (NIV)

The Bible isn’t just like any other book. The words written in it are powerful. If you take time to get the Bible into your heart and mind, it can change your life. The Bible can help you go from sad to happy, from sick to healed, all by simply getting God’s word into your heart. If you believe what is written in the Bible and act on it, your life will change.

So when you face challenges and struggles today, you can take comfort. You know that God’s words are flawless and contain the answer to the things you’re facing. Look to God’s word for encouragement, direction, and comfort.

Challenge yourself to spend some time today to discover some Bible verses that speak to you. Begin reading and thinking about them to get those scriptures into your heart and life. If you don’t know where to start, here are a couple of suggestions.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 119:105


Teen Devotion on Gods Word

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. – Psalm 119:105

Have you ever used Google Maps when you were in a new place? Perhaps you wanted to know where to get some food and you decided to let your maps app direct you to an awesome new restaurant. Once you turned on that map, it gave you turn by turn instructions that led you to your destination.

God wants the Bible to be our Google Maps in life. The Bible is what we can go to when we need to know what the next turn is in life. The Bible is our place to go when we don’t know what to do. The Bible has answers to the toughest of situations and circumstances you might face.

Treat God’s word like Google Maps. Let it guide you each step of your journey. When you don’t know what to do, it shows you what to do. When you don’t know what the future holds, it brings you hope and encouragement. God’s word is the answer to everything we face!

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