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Who Is Jesus

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Matthew 16:15

Then Jesus said to his followers, “And who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” – Matthew 16:15 (ERV)

How you perceive something matters. Many times, we have a friend who will describe something using different colors and words than we would, and we can wonder what they’re talking about or trying to say. Often different people experience and see things differently.

When it comes to our spiritual lives, how we see things matters. How do you see Jesus? Do you see Him as your provider, your friend, and the only way to God? Or do you see some guy who was a good teacher and did some good things to help others? How you view Jesus is important.

If you view Jesus as a friend, then in those moments where you feel friendless, you’ll have a friend. If you view Him as your salvation, in those moments where you feel unworthy and worthless, you’ll remember that you’ve been bought with a price.

So today, take a moment to think about how you see Jesus. Choose to see Him as Peter did. He’s your savior and he’s the answer to every need you’ll ever face. So draw close to Him and trust Him to be all you need.


Teen devotion

Why Jesus Is Better Than The Easter Bunny – Part 2

Easter Devotion for Teenagers

** This is a repost from a devotion from 2015. We added discussion questions (download info below) and some new content and hope it will be helpful for your small group or youth group Bible study this Easter!

There is a giant inflatable Easter bunny down the street from my house. The Easter bunny is holding an Easter Egg that has to be almost as tall as I am. This is no small bunny!

Seeing this giant inflatable bunny got me thinking. That bunny is huge and really makes a statement in my neighborhood. It’s hard to miss his huge floppy ears or massive feet when you’re going by him. However, there is someone who made an even bigger statement than the massive Easter bunny my neighbors own. That someone is Jesus and it’s easy in all the egg hunts, candy, and Easter baskets to forget how great He really is! Let’s take a look at a few reasons why Jesus is better than the Easter bunny.

The Presents (Easter Bunny vs. Jesus)

First of all, the Easter bunny brings you candy and little presents. These are super nice and of course, we’re glad that the Easter bunny does this, but in all reality, the presents the Easter bunny gives us aren’t that awesome. They will all be eaten and most of his gifts will eventually be forgotten., however, gave us a gift that doesn’t get old, eaten or boring. Jesus gave us the gift of eternal life. By accepting His gift we are able to get to know God the Father.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. – John 14:6 (NIV)

The Easter bunny is fluffy and cute, but he really doesn’t compare to Jesus. Jesus conquered death, hell, and the grave. And he did all of this for you and me, so we wouldn’t have to. We no longer have to fear death, in Jesus our eternity is certain.

Read: What’s So Great About Eternal Life?

[Tweet “We no longer have to fear death, in Jesus our eternity is certain. – @studentdevos”]

Jesus is way better than the Easter bunny. He made a way for us to know God and He also conquered death and hell. We should take time this Easter to thank Jesus for all the incredible things He did for us!

Jesus Sticks With You

If you’ve noticed, once Easter is over, the Easter bunny leaves. The stores tear down his decorations and pictures. They make way for the new holiday. Also, have you noticed that no one really hangs out with the Easter Bunny on Easter? He just leaves eggs and baskets and heads out.

Jesus, on the other hand, is there for you. He doesn’t sneak around trying not to be seen. Instead, He wants a place in our hearts and lives. He wants to walk with you through the trials you face. He wants to be there in both the good and bad times.

Jesus loves us with an everlasting love. His desire is a relationship with you. And He did what it took to make that happen. So when you’re going through difficulty, be encouraged. Jesus is there. He’s been through trials too and He wants to be there as you go through them. He’s there to lead and guide your life, if you’ll let Him.

So today, be thankful for Jesus. This Easter, don’t focus just on the candy, presents and Easter Bunny, but remember what it is we celebrate on Easter. It’s that Jesus has broken the power of sin over us. He desires to know you and be known by you!

Why Jesus Is Better Than The Easter Bunny

Easter Devotion for Teenagers

**This was originally posted in 2014, but was too awesome not to share this Easter season! We updated it with fresh content and added some discussion questions at the end, so you’ll be all set to do an awesome Bible study with some friends or your youth group!

Can you remember the Easter Bunny coming to visit your house as a little kid? Do you recall the packages of chocolate, jelly beans, and the awesome toys he would bring? The Easter Bunny brought lots of awesome things into kid’s lives. However, as great as the Easter Bunny is, he sure pales in comparison to Jesus.

You Can Talk To Jesus

Jesus, unlike the Easter Bunny, isn’t meant to visit your life for only one Sunday of the year. He doesn’t just visit and then goes away.  Instead, Jesus comes to live in your heart when you accept him as savior. That means that you are able to talk to him at any time or in any place.

Learn More: How to Develop a Relationship With God

Talking to Jesus isn’t weird or difficult. It’s just including him in the moments of your life. When you are going to the restroom on your lunch break thank Jesus for the nice weather outside.  It could be a simple, “please help me on my math quiz”.  Or maybe it’s getting some time alone at home and asking for his help planning your schedule for the upcoming school year and asking Him what classes you should take.

Never stop praying. – 1 Thes 5:17 (NLT)

Whatever it looks like for you, talking to Jesus isn’t complicated. It’s easy. Start by including Him in those moments every day. Get His help and wisdom with the big and small things in life. Jesus is so much better than the Easter bunny because He’s there for you. He’s ready and willing to listen and speak if you’ll let Him.

Jesus Defeated Sin

The Easter Bunny is cute and fluffy, which definitely makes him lovable. His ears flop and he has a puffy tail, but when push comes to shove, he’s just a little bunny. Jesus, on the other hand, is the definition of awesome! Jesus was able to do what no other person (or Easter Bunny) could do. He paid the price for the sins of the whole world. Jesus defeated death, hell, and the grave so we didn’t have to.

[Tweet “Jesus defeated sin so we didn’t have to – @studentdevos”]

Read the Devotion: Why Jesus Is Like Snapchat

Because Jesus Christ did what God wanted him to do, we are all purified from sin by the offering that he made of his own body once and for all. – Hebrews 10:10 (GNB)

Jesus gave us the ability to be free from sin, once and for all. That’s the good news of the Easter story. It’s that God came down and helped us be free from the sin, fear, and anything else that kept you from following after God. Jesus freed us from that all. And while the Easter bunny is a fun character, Jesus is the one Easter is really about. He’s the one that did what no one else could.

So the next time you see stuff in the stores about the Easter Bunny, remember that as neat as the Easter Bunny is, he doesn’t even compare to how awesome Jesus is. Jesus did what no one else could do. He offered himself as a sacrifice for sin, which is the best Easter present!