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Youth Ministry Tip #2 – The Power of Not Quitting

Youth ministry can sometimes be a thankless job. Unfortunately, no one usually pats you on the back each week and tells you what a great lesson you just taught, or thanks you for giving up your time week after week to lead youth group. You don’t get a t-shirt made that says best youth leader ever. Many times, you’re using your hard earned money to buy new dodgeballs for a bunch of teens that never say thanks. Sometimes, you might wonder why you’re doing it. You might question if all your hard work is worth it. Frankly, you are probably tempted many times to just quit.

In those times, when you feel like giving up and quitting, remember, there is power in sticking it out.

I’ve heard statistics at youth camps and youth retreats saying that most youth pastors quit youth ministry within three years. That’s an alarming statistic. Today’s youth need support, encouragement, and a good foundation in the Bible. That’s what you provide.

You as a youth leader provide young people with the opportunity to learn more about the awesome God we serve. You’re not just throwing a dodgeball or leading a donut eating contest, you’re showing God’s love to hurting teenagers. So my thoughts to you are this, don’t quit. When things get tough, don’t quit. When you feel un-thanked, underappreciated, and unloved, don’t quit. When it gets hard and you want to be any place else than your youth event, stay with it.

There is power in staying with something. There is power in not quitting when things get tough. There is power in pushing past your discouragement and staying there to be the hands and feet of God to this generation.

If you want to be effective in youth ministry, don’t quit. Stick it out. Show God’s love to hurting teenagers. Its when you do these things, that you really become a success.


Youth Ministry Tip #1 – The Power of Showing Up

I can think of tons of times that I’d rather not show up to lead youth group. I can’t count the Wednesdays I’ve gotten off work late, driven 10 over the speed limit barely getting to church in time to catch my breath to lead youth group. Some weeks, between family and work, I’ve had no time to prepare a lesson. So I’m standing up in front of the youth group, just hoping I can think of something to talk to them about.

Sometimes, youth group can feel more like a burden than ministry. Especially when you haven’t had time to prepare a talk, sermon or discussion questions to really inspire teens.

youth ministry tipsSo what do you do in these times? In the times that have felt way less than inspired? I encourage you to do this simple thing….show up.

Yes that’s it. Showing up is one of the most important things you can do for teenagers. This means more than the awesome talk you spent all night preparing. It will mean more than all of the awesome game nights you put together or the time you made the head cheerleader drink mustard with a straw.

If you want to be a success in youth ministry…show up. Its just that simple. If you show up every week, and love teenagers, then you are a success in youth ministry. By showing up, you make yourself available to teenagers to talk, share their hearts, and for you to encourage them. And in all reality, isn’t that the goal of youth ministry? Just forming relationships with teens that point them to Christ?

So be encouraged. No matter what your role in youth ministry is, you are important by simply showing up!