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self worth

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Ephesians 2:10

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. – Ephesians 2:10

Have you ever posted a photo on Instagram? One of the things I really like about posting on Instagram are the filters. I like how a boring photo can look really amazing when a filter is added.

In life, we can look at ourselves and see our shortcomings. We can feel like we have little value or not who we are. However, God just like Instagram has filters. He sees us through the filter of Jesus.

He doesn’t see our sin, our failure or shortcomings. Rather He looks at us and sees a masterpiece. He sees that we are new in Christ Jesus and sees the good things that He has planned for us.

Today’s Truth: When God sees us He sees the good things He has planned for us

So instead of focusing on your failures and shortcomings, choose to see yourself like God sees you. When he sees you, He sees someone that is a masterpiece.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 Corinthians 7:23

God paid a high price for you, so don’t be enslaved by the world. – 1 Corinthians 7:23 (NLT)

Have you noticed how easy it is to get sucked into the things going on around you? You might get pulled into being worried about your weight or looks. Perhaps you get sucked into worrying about your social status at school.

There are so many things yelling for your attention, it’s easy to get sucked into the superficial things of this world. However, today’s Bible verse tells us that God paid a high price for us. That means we matter and we’re important.

Today’s Truth: God paid a high price for us. That means we matter and are important.

When you spend some time thinking about how important you are to God and how much He loves you, it makes the stuff going on at school and home seem a bit less important. So today, spend some time thinking about your value to God. Remind yourself of how important you are to Him and how He paid a big price to bring you into His family. Be encouraged – you are important to God.



God paid a high price for us. That means we matter and are important.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Romans 8:15

So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.” – Romans 8:15 (NLT)

Do you ever have those awkward moments when you feel like you don’t belong? For me, it was the year I had two friends that moved away from my town over the summer. When the school year started up again, I felt left out. It seemed like all the other students had groups and friends, and I was walking the halls of school alone because all my friends had moved away.

I hated that feeling like I didn’t belong. It made me feel like I wasn’t important. I just wanted someone to care and want to be my friend. It was a rough school year. However, verses like this one really helped me.

Read: Why Your Life Matters

I realized that God adopted me into His family. I spent time getting closer to God and thinking about how much He loved me. I realized that even if the other students at school weren’t going to care that I didn’t have a group of friends that God did. He cared about every part of my life. Drawing close to God in that difficult time really helped me. I realized that what truly mattered was the fact that God wanted me and wanted a relationship with me.

[Tweet “You find a place to belong in God’s family – @studentdevos”]

So if you feel alone. If you question your worth at times, take comfort knowing that God loves you. He wanted you to be His children and adopted you into His family.

If you haven’t come into the family of God yet, it’s easy. Here’s a devotion that will show you how.

Today’s Truth About Identity: I Am Loved

Teen Devotion and Bible Verse - Identity Being Loved

This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. – 1 John 4:10 (NLT)

Have you ever had a friend that said they really loved you, but later found out they were talking about you behind your back? How many times have you experienced someone who said they loved you and then later let you down?

We often let those people who let us down cause us to doubt God’s love. We wonder could He really love us all the time, no matter what?

Those doubts often creep into our relationship with God making us feel we’re not worthy of God’s love. We often secretly wonder that His love for us might change if we don’t do the right things.

The truth is God shows us what real love looks like. He doesn’t love you based on your performance or stops loving you when someone better comes around. God’s love is always and forever.

Today’s Truth: I Am Loved

God loves you in a big way. He gave everything He had to know you and to talk to you. That is real love.

The truth is that people will let you down. They might say they love you and then do something that seems to contradict that. But God is not like that at all.

[Tweet “God loves everything about you and His love for you will never change – @studentdevos”]

God loves you. He loves everything about you, and His love for you will never change. So if you’ve struggled, feeling unworthy or unloved, focus on today’s truth. Regardless of how your friends or family has treated you, God loves you. The good news is that He will never stop loving you.