Have you ever played Fortnite? It seems like everyone these days is talking about playing it. Fortnite has millions of users and is growing in popularity. If you’re a teenager that loves Fortnite, have you ever stopped to think about how the game can teach you about living for God?
The More You Play The More Rewards You Unlock
The more Fortnite you play, the more rewards you can unlock in the game. The same is true for Christians. As we seek God, get closer to Him and do the things He says in His word the more rewards we unlock in our lives.
And while the rewards we unlock as Christians aren’t emotes, outfits, or back bling, they do help us in life. Check out a few of the rewards you can unlock as a Christian.
Reward One – Less Heartache
Living for God helps you have less heartache. God has set up some rules in His word on how we should live. These rules are to help you avoid heartache and pain. For example, God gives instructions about lust, not to keep you from having fun, but to keep you from the pain and heartache that unchecked lust can bring.
Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.
– 2 Timothy 2:22 (NLT)
God doesn’t want your life to be destroyed by heartache and the consequences of unchecked lust. So challenge yourself today to live for God and make Godly choices. When you do, you’ll be glad you did.
Reward Two – Fewer Regrets
When you live for God and are seeking His will for your life, you can avoid a lot of regrets. If you’re constantly looking to God and seeking His direction for your life it will help you make good decisions. Seek God’s direction in everything you do. From big decisions to little ones and be willing to follow God’s leading. As you follow the direction God tells you for your life, you will make good decisions.
Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. – Proverbs 3:6 (NLT)
God knows everything from beginning to end. Getting God involved in your decision-making process will help you make better decisions and help you live with fewer regrets.
Your Squad Makes You Stronger
When playing Fortnite, your squad can help you. They can be another set of eyes to watch what’s going on, and help you when you need it. Also, playing with other people helps make the game more fun because you’re not alone.
As Christians the same is true. God has put into place a squad called the church. Getting involved in a good local church can help you in lots of different ways. Trusted friends at church can help you see areas in your life you need to improve or work on. They can also help you when you’re struggling and feeling weak.
Finally, as you spend time with the people in your church, you develop awesome relationships which make life more fun. You weren’t created to deal with life’s problems alone, so get involved with a local church and get into a Bible study or a small group.
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Experience Makes You Stronger
When you’re playing Fortnite, you want XP. (Experience points). It shows everyone that not only do you play but that you can play well. As a Christian, you should be wanting the same thing. You want to not only live for Christ but to live well.
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. – 2 Timothy 4:7 (NIV).
Life is going to be hard at times. It’s not going to go the way you want it, and there are going to be times where your faith will be tested. However, if you can keep your faith strong in those tough times and not give up, it will make you stronger. When you look back on your life, you want people to say not only did you play, but you played well.
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Each challenge you experience in life can bring you closer to God if you’ll let it. So choose to seek God and draw close to Him in every season of your life.