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What Pop Tarts Teach Us About Friendships

Teen Lesson on Friendships

Pop Tarts are one of the best foods on the planet! Whoever created them was a genius. From the frosting to the filling, Pop Tarts are just plain awesome. Did you realize that the yummy goodness of Pop Tarts could teach you about friendships?

One great thing about Pop Tarts is that there isn’t just one flavor to choose from. There are tons of filling flavors. There are Strawberry, Cookie Dough, Blueberry, Cherry, Hot Fudge Sundae and S’Mores just to name a few.  Just like Pop Tarts, there are tons of varieties of friendships. Some are really deep and will last a lifetime. Others are just fun and for the week of Spring break. Its easy at times to be frustrated with a friendship. You might wish that it was more meaningful, or something was different about that friendship. Instead of becoming unhappy with the friendships you have, you can cheer yourself up by realizing that like Pop Tarts, friendships come in lots of different flavors. It would be silly to get upset over the fact that your Cherry Pop Tart wasn’t a S’More flavored one. Yet, lots of times we do that in friendships. We get mad that our friendship isn’t the way we want it to be. Rather than getting upset, choose to be grateful for the friendships you have.

I have learned to be satisfied with what I have and with whatever happens. – Phil 4:11 b (ERV)

Another great thing about Pop Tarts is that they’re wrapped in foil. This keeps the pastry fresh for when you’re ready to eat it. That’s a lot like friendships. Friendships sometimes take time to unwrap. It may take some time to discover the true friends that you have around you. Never get frustrated feeling like you don’t have anyone or any true friends. Perhaps its just time for you to look around in your life for someone that could be a friend that you need to unwrap so to speak and get to know. Friendships take time to develop. Don’t become discouraged if it takes you a bit to find some true friends in your life.

Pop Tart flavors come and go. Some flavors have been retired. Other flavors are just used for an anniversary or birthday of Pop Tarts. New flavors of Pop Tarts come out from time to time. The same is true of friendships. Some friendships go. While it isn’t always easy in seasons when it doesn’t feel like you have lots of friends, you can take comfort in the fact that there are seasons in life. Some seasons you find that you have more friends than others. Don’t become discouraged when you feel that you have fewer friends. Its just a part of life. Other seasons of your life, you will have more friends. Just choose to have a good attitude and not let the seasons of life get your down.

Finally, if you’re in need of friends, know that God is always there. He’s a friend that will never leave you. If you need to talk, get things off of your shoulders, you can go to God. He’s always ready to listen and bring you comfort.

Just like Pop Tarts, friendships are an awesome part of life. They both bring lots of flavor and fun to our lives. Choose to enjoy both friendships and maybe even a Pop Tart this week!

How to Be A Good Friend

Teen Devotion - How to Be A Good Friend

Being a good friend isn’t always easy. In fact, sometimes it takes hard work. However, being a good friend is something that with God’s help can be accomplished. Check out our tips on how to become a good friend.

Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family – Proverbs 18:24 (Message)


  • Be Friendly – If you want to have friends you must begin by being friendly.
    Proverbs 18:24 – A man that hath friends must show himself friendly (KJV)If you want to have good friends you’ve got to begin by being friendly. Focus on going out of your way to talk to others. By being friendly, and talking to others, you’ll find that you attract more friends.
  • Be There – If you have a friend that is going through a hard time, don’t bail on them. Stick around and just be there for them. Many times you might not know what to say or do, but you just being there will mean a lot to your friend.
  • Listen – A good friend listens to others. Do you spend all the time talking and dominating the conversation? If you do, perhaps take some time to spend listening to others. People will want to be around you more if you’re willing to listen to them.
  • Be Light –  One of the best ways you can be a good friend is by letting your life show others how good Jesus is. Let your friends know what a difference Jesus has made in your life. Don’t hide your relationship with God, but let that relationship shine though in all you do.


Being a good friend takes work, but it is worth it. When you develop good habits in your friendships, you’ll find that you become the type of person others want to be around. Become a good friend so that you can help lead others to know Christ.

Listen: We Can Change the World by Hawk Nelson