think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths – Proverbs 3:6 (Holman)
Many times we make following God and His plan for our lives really complicated. We try to know exactly what God wants us to do and sometimes don’t move forward on making decisions simply because we’re waiting to hear something from God. God does speak to us in big ways at times in our lives, but many times, following God can just seem ordinary.
This verse gives us some help with following God. It tells us to simply think about God in all our ways. So if you’re eating breakfast, take a minute to think about God. If you’re riding the bus to school, find a minute to think about God. If you’re in the bathroom between classes, take a minute to think about God. If you’ll just take time out of your day to think about God, this verse says that He will guide you.
Following God and hearing from God doesn’t have to be spectacular. It can often just be ordinary. It just takes you being quiet and spending a few minutes thinking about God each day. Just be willing to hear from Him and be sensitive to His leading in each thing you do during the day.
Today’s Truth: Hearing from God is simple, you’ve just got to take a moment out of your day to get quiet and hear from Him.