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Kicking the Habit of Fear

Fear. It will stop you, hold you back. It will keep you from fulfilling what God has called you to do.

It’s easy to give in to fear. In our walking around, working and going to school it’s easy to become accustomed to being afraid. We get so used to living our life in fear that it becomes normal.

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Instead of facing each day with fears and worries, choose to resist the fear that tries to attach itself to your life. Decide to not let fear hold you back from doing the things God has called you to do.

Stand firm in the face of fear and when fear tries to attach itself to you say no. Don’t allow yourself to become accustomed to being afraid. Kick the habit of fear by filling yourself up with Gods word.

Here’s a good scripture to start with:
2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.”

Remember fear isn’t from God so don’t live your life afraid. Choose to think on God’s word and kick fear out!

5 Devotions to Defeat Fear