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Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 91:9-10

If you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. – Psalm 91:9-10

We don’t have to be afraid of harm all day long! In today’s Bible verse we see that we don’t have to fear plagues and disease. This verse shows us that if we trust God, and make Him our refuge, our safe place and shelter that no plague will come near our home.

This is good news! We don’t have to fear plagues and disease. God tells us He will keep us safe from these things too! We can relax, breathe a sign of relief just knowing that we can put our trust in God. He will keep us from harm and danger.

Choose to make God your refuge. Bring your fears, worries and concerns to Him, knowing that he is always ready to help you and protect you!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Isaiah 41:10

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10 (NLT)

We all have stuff we’re afraid of. It might be the fear of speaking in front of others, the fear of heights, the fear of going to the dentist, or perhaps some other fear. Regardless of what type of fear it is, we all face situations in life when we’re afraid.

This Bible verse gives us some good news when it comes to fear. It tells us to not be afraid. We don’t have to be afraid because we have a hope that others don’t. We know that God will strengthen us and help us in each situation that we face.

Today’s Truth: God will strengthen us and help us in each situation that we face

We have someone who knows the future and the past, who has unlimited wisdom and resources and who is saying that He will help us. When we realize the fact that God is on our side, that He’s ready to walk with us through any situation or circumstance that we might face, we can see why He tells us to not be afraid. God won’t let us down, so we have no reason to be afraid.

If you struggle in the area of fear, here’s another devotion to encourage you!

Daily Devotion and Daily Bible Verse – Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

We all face situations in life when we feel scared and alone. However, we can take courage from what this Bible verse says. We don’t have to be scared or dismayed because the Lord is with us wherever we go.

That means that if you’re facing something that seems big, scary, and overwhelming, know that God is right there with you. You aren’t doing it alone!

Many times we can want to turn away from situations that seem scary or overwhelming. However, we can face those situations with confidence when we begin believing what this verse says. When we begin to believe that we’re not alone and that we’ve got God with us wherever we go we can face any situation. We’ve got God’s help on our side!

Today’s Truth: You don’t have to be afraid. God is with you wherever you go!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 91:5

Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. – Psalm 91:5

Every day we run into lots of opportunities to be afraid. We see some of the things going on in the world and it can cause us to fear. This Bible verse offers us good news, however, when it comes to fear. In this verse, God tells us to not be afraid of things that might happen in the day and at night.

If we don’t need to fear in the day or in the night, then we don’t need to fear at all. There’s no time in the day that is left out of this verse. See God tells us to not fear in this Bible verse for a reason. We don’t need to fear because God is there to protect us. We can trust God for His protection day and night.

That’s not always easy to do, but we can do it if we really focus on God. If you struggle, build yourself up by reading accounts in the Bible where God supernaturally helped and protected His people. Then know that He will do the same for you, if you’ll believe Him and ask Him to help you too!

So challenge yourself like this daily Bible verse says to not fear all day long. Instead, put your trust in God that He will protect you and keep you safe!

Today’s Truth: We don’t have to fear all day long because God will protect us!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 2 Timothy 1:7

Teen and Youth Devotion and Bible Verse on Fear

2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.”

What are you afraid of? Is it doing something God has called you to do? Do you fear letting your grandma down? Is it the future? Maybe you have no idea what you want to do when you leave home and it’s frightening. Fear is so real. And often, if we spend a lot of time dwelling on our fears, they will cripple us.

The more we focus on fear, the bigger fear gets in our life. So if you spend lots of time dwelling on your fear, you’ll never get to where God wants you to be. That’s why the Bible spends time speaking about fear. God knows that we all face fears. However, He gives us lots of verses on where our focus should be when we’re afraid.

Today’s Truth: The more we focus on fear, the bigger it gets in our lives

The Bible tells us time and time again that we are to fear not. We’re not to dwell on fearful thoughts. Instead, we’re to focus on God. The more we focus on God and His love for us, it makes fear disappear in our lives.

Today, take some time to think about where your thoughts are focused on. If most of your thoughts are focused on your fear, you’ll be fearful. If instead, you choose to think about God and how much He loves you, you’ll find that fear has to go. So today be encouraged, God isn’t the source of fear. He wants to provide you freedom from fear.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 Samuel 23:15

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion for Teens on Fear

This devotion is a repost from 2019, but had such good content, we thought we’d update it a little and let you enjoy it now in 2022!

While David was at Horesh in the Desert of Ziph, he learned that Saul had come out to take his life.

David had every right to be afraid. In today’s Bible verse, we see that He had Saul on the way to kill him. Talk about a scary situation! Saul was the king of the nation, so he had lots of resources available to go after David and kill him. And Saul wasn’t afraid to be using them. The verse tells us he was on his way to take David’s life.

David had a legitimate reason to be afraid. He was facing something really big!

Have you noticed that it’s difficult to not give in to fear when it feels like the thing you’re afraid of is very big and powerful?

That’s the thing about fear, it always seems big!

Fear Feels Big

Fear in our lives always feels bigger than what we can handle. We face a problem and it just seems like it’s bigger and scarier than we want to deal with. Problems can often cause you to want to give up or hide from them because they’re just too scary.

However, when you’re faced with fear, realize that even though it often appears bigger than you, you’re not dealing with it alone. God is there He’s for you, and with His help, you can face anything that you fear.

Fear is defeated when you realize that even though it seems big, God is bigger and you can conquer fear with Him!

5 Devotions to Defeat Fear

Ready to break free from fear?

This e-book will provide you with practical tools to help you win the battle against fear in your life.

Begin your journey toward freedom today.

Here’s a recap of this week’s devotions on fear

Day 2 – Fear Speaks Loud
When you’re facing fear, it speaks so loud. It’s hard to see anything else or imagine ever being free from the fears that hold you back. Learn in this devotion how to drown out fear and see God move on your behalf.

Day 3 – Fear Stops At The Word

When God speaks, it has to come to pass. That means the things that God has promised you will happen! This devotion shows you how to stop fear with the Word of God!

Day 4 – Faith Holds You Steady In Fear

Fear will try to rock your world if you let it. Choose instead to cling to faith to combat fear. Learn how faith can be the anchor to hold you steady when fear tries to capsize your life!

If you’d like more devotions to challenge you to walk free from fear, check out last week’s devotions on fear.

Daily Devotion and Bible Verse – Proverbs 29:25

If you’re back at school, you know how easy it is to begin to fear people. Not that you’re scared of them, but rather you look for the approval of others. When your friends and teachers approve of what you do, it’s easy to feel better about yourself.

Let’s take a look at what the Bible says about fearing other people in today’s verse.

Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety. – Proverbs 29:25 (NLT)

Fearing people is a trap. But it’s easy to fall into. Perhaps you know from going to church and reading your Bible that something is wrong, but when all your friends are around you do it anyway. You’d rather let God down than have your friends not like you.

This Bible verse calls that kind of thinking a dangerous trap. It’s dangerous because when you get so consumed with what others think that you do things that don’t please God you’re headed down a bad path.

Today’s Truth: Choose to Follow After God

Make the decision to follow after God. When you choose to follow after God you’ll always have safety and be happier.

CHoose to follow God

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 John 4:18

There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love. – 1 John 4:18 (MSG)

How do we get rid of fear in our lives? There are so many kinds of fear and each one stops us from enjoying life. So how can we get rid of something like fear that just seems to be unstoppable?

Today’s Bible verse lays out a great suggestion about how to combat fear. It tells us that love banishes fear. As you focus on God’s love, fear has to go in your life. When you spend time thinking about how much God loves you, you begin to realize that He wants to take care of every aspect of your life.

That means the history test you are worried about, you can give that to God. If you’re worried that you’ll never meet the right person to marry, you can relax knowing that God will bring it to pass. If you’re scared that you’ll not have enough money, you can find freedom in trusting God with your finances. God will take care of every area of your life, if you’ll allow Him access into your life. So choose today to think about how much God loves you and walk free from fear.

Teen Devotion on Fear

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Phil 4:6

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. – Phil 4:6 (NLT)

Worry is such an easy habit to fall into. Its so easy to start looking at what is going on around you and begin to worry. You might worry that you won’t make it into the right college. Or that you’ll never meet the right person and you’ll end up alone. There are so many things that are uncertain in life, and its easy to fall into the trap of worry.

However, today’s Bible verse tells us what we should be doing when we’re tempted to worry. It says that we should not worry, but pray about everything. We should be giving those worries to God and telling Him what we need. When we begin doing this, it helps us because we don’t have to carry those worries and fears any longer.

A final thing this verse tells us to do is to thank God for what He has done. So instead of spending all your time getting worried and worked up over a problem, choose to spend some time thanking God for all He has done in your life. If you do this, worry doesn’t stand a chance in your life!


Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 16:33

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33 (NIV)

If you flip on the TV, or go online, you see lots of things that can bring fear. It is really easy to see all the horrible things happening in the world and begin to be afraid. No matter how crazy things get in the world around us, God doesn’t want us living our lives in fear.

Fear stops us, holds us back and keeps us from doing the things that God intended for us to do. Instead of being afraid, we should put our trust in Jesus. He will keep us safe. He is there to help us navigate through the troubles and the craziness that life brings.

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So instead of being afraid of what is going on in the world around us, we should take heart and realize that the God we serve has already conquered everything we’re up against. We don’t have to fear, we’ve got a great God on our side!